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My Early Trysts at Network Marketing

I love talking about my experiences for two reasons. For one, that is the person I know and understand best. The other is that however harsh the criticism, it attracts no wrath. The natural instinct to want something better, to want to live a better life has been with me for a long time. For as long as I can remember, I have not been content with my circumstances. I guess I just didn’t know exactly how to bring about the change that I desired. I tried many things with minimal success. I got a job immediately after graduation from University, worked through the ranks, went back to school for higher qualifications and got promotions and higher salary. This didn’t get me there! I tried traditional business and quickly learnt the pitfalls that hamper success. Too much initial capital required and too much risk involved. I didn’t have the capital required to guarantee the level of success I envisaged. I meddled trading stocks and walked out with losses. I learnt that for any level of success on the stock market one needs some level of expertise and income that you can sincerely describe as disposable. I had neither. Yet I have this ever present desire to succeed, to exceed my present, to live a better life! In 1998 a friend introduced me to the incredible power of leverage, the miraculous exponential growth and earnings potential that network marketing has to offer. I was sold, like they say “hook, line and sinker” or is it “lock, stock and barrel”? I bought in with all my heart, and my life’s’ savings! That was the level of my desire to better my circumstances. Caution had no chance whatsoever! Eight months down the road, the apparent opportunity went down like a pack of cards! With all my savings and whatever I had recouped in the short period because I had ploughed it back into what I believed then to be the best business on planet earth. This had been a pyramid scheme. That was the single biggest and most expensive learning experience of my entire life. And I must state here that I learnt and have taken what I learnt to heart. I couldn’t avoid the feeling of despondency immediately after this happened but I recovered quickly and then really accelerated my self-education. I share these experiences that many other people may be able to avoid the pitfalls that I have been through. That their journey to success may not be as painful or as costly as it has for me. When I started my journey in network marketing, I was totally green so to say, starting out with perilously inadequate knowledge on what I was venturing into and I did not know or bother to find more experienced people to guide me. I didn’t know then that I badly needed a coach. I did not know how to evaluate an opportunity. I did not know what to look out for in the leadership and management of the company, the financial stability of the company, the necessary authorizations and scientific approvals that make a product authentic, the niche and market share, the growth potential, the compensation plan, the support structures and many other things that make for a viable network marketing opportunity. Many years down the road and I can assure you, I am older, wiser and have learnt a lot about this industry. I know firsthand what it means when they say that to succeed, you need to increase your failure rate and that failure is part of success. What I need to emphasize is that failure only leads to success if you can learn from the failure and apply the learning! I have since learnt that failure does not mean that something does not work. It in most cases means you need more learning, more information, more growth or better choices. I have found that many of the top earners in network marketing are not currently in the opportunity they first joined when they started out in network marketing. This is a business just like any other business, only it is a super model that provides unbelievable leverage, exponential growth and returns without the pitfalls inherent in traditional business. Above all, it is a business based on having a genuine desire to help others in any way possible, be it to live a healthier life, earn more money or just become better at what they do. Get to help as many people as possible and you are on your way to “Nirvana”. Arm yourself with the right knowledge, pick the right company, do this business with commitment, enthusiasm and all your heart and believe me you will be unstoppable! Visit this site and understand the dizzying feeling that drives birds to fly!

This article was published on 30.10.2015 by Simone Watti
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