Webtalk - The Next-Generation Social Media Platform
Imagine a single search engine where you can hire everyone from a new babysitter or plumber or realtor or accountant to an employee for your business, all pre-screened by Webtalk and recommended by people you know and trust. This is the future of Webtalk.
Webtalk is an invitation-only social media platform. You must be invited in order to join the platform. In order to build your network, you invite the people you know to join Webtalk and connect with you. Webtalk is like a combination of the best features your most used social media platforms combined into one. This is a platform that allows you to build both personal and business networks. A huge benefit of Webtalk is that you can keep your personal and business networks as separate (or not) as you wish.
Unlike other social media platforms, your referrals will not go unrewarded. Beta testing of Webtalk is currently underway.
Webtalk is a next-generation 4-in-1 personal and professional networking platform built to give the world back control of your relationships and relationship capital, helping you create more success.
Imagine Webtalk is the offspring of Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram (coming soon) taking all of the best features, none of the worst, and is an overall better experience for every type of audience and use case ie. personal, professional, and business networking.
Facebook 2019 Revenue: $70.7 BILLION
LinkedIn 2019 Revenue: $6.8 BILLION
> Patent-Pending 4-in-1 Contact Manager (personal, professional and business contact management)
> Patent-Pending 5-in-1 Newsfeed (Post news publically, to targeted networks, or targeted groups. View news using network filters, media filters, keywork/hashtag filters and even turn off seeing news posted publicly, turning your feed into more intimate content)
> Social Content Syndication (Post & share content to Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slack and soon Instagram and more)
> Patent-Pending 3-in-1 Universal Profile (personal, professional & public content showcasing) with customizable landing pages coming soon.
> Patent-Pending Rewards Program (shares revenue with members for engagement, creating great content, and referrals)
> Groups-On-Demand
> Pages for Business
> Webtalk Verify
> Patent-Pending Peer-to-Peer Marketplace Search Engine
> Profile eCommerce Widgets (enabling members to sell their time and products from their profiles)
*Webtalk shares up to 50% of all revenue with our members, and is donating 10% of all profits to charity.
*Donates 10% of profits to charity
Webtalk isn't just another social network, it's a social revolution built to help the world (you) create more success. Together, we can change the world.
Check this out! https://youtu.be/7xmPNYmAuQw
If you or someone you know wants to earn money while being social, something you already do, connect with me here: http://www.webtalk.co./raeleecortina
See you there!