The Passionate Team on a Mission to Disrupt the Weight Loss Industry!
Shape IT Life... the new kid on the block, our mission? To be a disruptive force in the weight loss and lifestyle industry...
Disruptive... a strong, bold word... a word that commands attention... but what exactly does it mean for a team or business to be DISRUPTIVE??
"Do. Disrupt. Change the Status Quo. Or Become IT" - Mark Shayler.
Being disruptive is not a negative, it is not hostile, to be disruptive means one has seen a flaw in the 'norm', in the status quo and has the courage to face it full on and the drive to change it!
Disruptive means:
- We embrace change
- We take the risks most would not dare to
- Innovation
- Unprecedented
- Unconventional
We are Shape IT Life, and we are on a mission! This mission however, can not be achieved alone, we need like minded and passionate individuals from around the globe to join our mission, to share our vision!
Who Are We? What Is Our Vision? What Do We Do? What Can We Offer You?
Let me introduce myself :) I am Michelle, please call Shelle, I am the Founder, Head Coach & Program Creator of Shape IT Life. I am currently study a Bachelor of Health Sciences - Clinical Nutrition and an experienced Certified Coach in a range of disciplines including Business, Entrepreneurship, Health & Nutrition, Wellness and a Master Life Coach.
I have been an entrepreneur most of my adult life and my passion for helping others to experience the freedom lifestyle pushes me everyday and is one of the leading reasons why Shape IT Life was born!
Shape IT Life - We are not merely 'reps' for a company, We are true MENTORS for our customers.
I create lifestyle, weight loss and other coaching programs, we are launching our 3 phrase signature lifestyle and weight loss program next month. This program is designed to disrupt! We don't just want people to lose weight then gain weight, then lose weight and get stuck in that unhealthy diet cycle... NO our program is going to KILL that cycle ONCE AND FOR ALL!! Big words? Yes.. But that's how BIG our VISION is!!
We need passionate, dedicated, caring individuals who are able to see our vision, see the long term and are serious about building a long term successful home business! People who are truly passionate about about changing lives, including their own! Who are excited to be trained as a Shape IT Lifer Mentor!
We are selective, our team is headed up by a very successful, highest ranking and earning power couple who are their to support us. We want our team to be a family! To be LIFE CHANGERS!
What's in it for YOU?
The benefits that come from being a Shape IT Life Mentor are only going to keep growing as we grow! Let's explore some of what is in it for YOU!
- Low start up cost - depends on location, example USA $40, AUS $60
- Available in Australia, USA, Canada, Japan, Europe (selected countries) and New Zealand - (New markets opening)
- Full online marketing platform including lead pages, automation, websites (1 eCommerce and 1 business focused) + more with No monthly fees!
- Access to our EXCLUSIVE Shape IT Life programs, websites, Facebook groups and ability to use the brand name!
- Highest quality, natural, effective, science backed, patented and award winning products by a company with a solid and successful 30 year track record.
- One of a kind business model and 2 compensation plans. This means recruiting is OPTIONAL!!
- You can reach the TOP of the COMP PLAN WITHOUT RECRUITING!
- No experience needed, you just need to want to learn! ALL Training in ALL areas provided!
NOW is YOUR TIME! Come join us and let's make 2020 the year of CHANGE!
Let's chat! Michelle Black Saxby
Shape Your Body, Shape Your Mind, Shape Your Wealth, Shape Your Life with Shape IT LIFE...
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