Topical Drug Development and Manufacturing Company - General Information
Contract development and manufacturing company are popularly represented as CDMO in a short form in the pharmaceutical industry. The company is responsible for rendering services like drug manufacturing. The pharmaceutical company approaches CDMO for the main purpose of outsourcing their task drug manufacturing and development.
CDMO offering full service generally covers different aspects of drug development and also manufacturing. Besides, they work based on the needs and expectations of their customer clients and helps them accomplishing the task successfully.
Services CDMOs Offer
Well, a pharmaceutical company approaches topical CMDO for numerous services. Some of these are the following.
For topical formulation development, CDMO needs to go through several steps like API stability test, formulation components blending, blend coating using casting knife, coated film lamination with backing, etc.
Be it narrow or width coating, topical pharmaceutical CDMO does everything based on their needs. For this, they need to adjust the temperature of their equipment. It can be low as 100-degree F or high can be 350-degree F.
When it comes to shipping, the CDMOs are always ready to cater to the specific shipment needs of every client. It endeavors to help clients receive products within the committed time while ensuring their complete satisfaction.
Analytical Services
Analytical services involve analyzing the plates that CDMOs use. Many times, these plates get scratches that tend to impact results to a wider extent.
As the name suggests, blending is all about combining both equipment and process. CDMOs have mixing vessels with different capacities.
It’s another service CDMOs render. The process involves focusing on the products that have been visually inspected.
For sterilization, the CDMOs generally use machines called Optel. One can set it up with work or test environment for getting the same outcome.
The primary packaging is mainly a single sealed pouch that comes with a single dose of any product. It helps you get ideas of a couple of different options and also their functions.
About Us
Tergus Pharma is an end-to-end service provider for the topical drug manufacturer, pharmaceutical research, IVRT & IVPT testing, and manufacturing, and has been an industry leader for several years with a state-of-the-art facility in Durham, North Carolina.
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