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The Buzz you hear is O’SNAP! Launching May 17th

Changing minds, bodies, and bank accounts. That’s our mission!! O’SNAP, which is a brand new health and wellness company is currently in pre-launch. Our C. E. O. Is John Malott, and we are a Terry LaCore company. Please google these two gentlemen. Our focus is on 4 core products at this particular time. All of our products are healthy and filled with multi vitamins! NO SUGARS!!! The products are as follows. Surge- our energy product, which helps you maintain your energy level throughout the day and is awesome to use before workouts. Complete- is our multi vitamin product which helps your immune system. Reverse- is our anti aging product, which helps with DNA and the lengthening of your Telemears. Sleep- is our final product which helps relax your brain to get you a good night sleep. We are currently at over 500 Ambassadors in just the pre-Launch. The official launch is not until May 17,2021. This is definitely a first movers advantage!! I have been in a number of network marketing companies over the past 5 years. I have finally found the right people to partner with. People with integrity, passion, and a desire to see others WIN!! Also the products are what people need! Products that are safe and healthy. Products that are easy to market! Easy to talk about! Finally I feel like I don’t have to sell anything that I don’t believe in. Mostly all of the marketing and information that people need to see can come straight from your phone. You don’t have to speak to anyone if you don’t want to. The introvert personality can win and win big with this company and these products. So don’t sit this one out!! Get in the game, and start chasing your freedom again. Not just financial freedom, but most importantly, YOUR TIME FREEDOM!! O’SNAP, We are having our first opportunity call on Wednesday May 10th at 8pm central standard time. Please log into our zoom meeting at I know after you see and hear what all the buzz is about, your excitement level will go through the roof. After the meeting, give me a call, text or email so I can provide you with a link to get you started. We are currently still in invitation only at this time. We are not looking for everyone, just people who want to make a difference in the lives of others. My contact information is Robert Lee/ 501-351-7764, email- TIME TO CHANGE MINDS, BODIES, AND BANK ACCOUNTS!!
This article was published on 10.02.2021 by Robert Lee
Author's business opportunity:

O’snap - Health and wellness, 49 USD to join

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time is running out
Hi This hit my inbox recently and I HAD to get it to you immediately. It's time sensitive so please take a look and join me, as this is a huge opportunity... sherman.

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Very Excited project which allow someone to be earn money every Thursday by inviting others in addition Monthly membership club can give an extra income up to $2,047 per month.

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