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What are the three questions you need to answer before somebody Joins your Team?

Why is it that some people who have the absolute same circumstances than others make big money cashing the nice checks and others with the same background and the same area of influence, living in the same city, knowing the same or similar kind of people etc. don't? 

You may say it is all about skills. Right? Yes, you are right but what exactly makes the difference? 

If somebody who is part of the same company has the same upline, everything seems to be the same but one cashes checks and the other person doesn't? 

Maybe it is that one person addresses the questions every prospect has in his head when he/she is looking or considering an opportunity and the other doesn't because he/she is busy explaining the Compensation plan and explaining why his product is so much better than the other product, and why his company is so much better than the other company and on and on it goes. 

Let's be real is this really what the prospects want to know at this point? Does it make the difference if your shake has 10 or 15 ingredients or if you have it 2, 4 or 15 different flavors? I would like to go ahead and say NO!!

What really makes the difference is if you answer this 3 questions, if you leave one unanswered you will have a prospect disappearing in the Prospect- Witness protection program and you will never get hold of him/her again. So now YOU wondering what are this three questions! 

Here you go: 

  1. What do I have to do?
  2. Can I do it?
  3. Can I make money with it?

Makes sense doesn't it?  Because if one of these questions is not answered how in the world is the prospect supposed to answer your question you hopefully ask at one point. 

Do you want to join our Team? 

Make sense? So let's look at what happens in the mind of the prospect if the first question is not answered!

How can ( let's call him Jo ) Jo make a decision if he wants to join you, or not if you have not explained to him what he needs to do? He can't !! So obviously if you have not explained to him what to do he has NO clue if he can do it. Right?  So whatever your system is how you explain to your prospects what they need to do to get the business rolling, examine it with the question in mind " Can a 12-year-old do it" if not you need to find an easier way to share your opportunity.

If you look at the system how you share your opportunity or product and a 12-year-old can not do it make it simpler. Fancy maybe looks nice and it is good for your ego, but easy, produces your checks.

Now the third one " Can I make money with it" ... What do you think is the most important word in this sentence?  Right!!! "I", because your prospect couldn't care less if Mary and Fred and Emma are making a million dollar a year, as long as he/she doesn't believe he/she can do it. So you need to explain to the prospect in a way that he can believe he can do it. Make sense right? Because it is completely irrelevant what you believe what is possible if your prospect doesn't believe he/she can do it,  you are dead in the water and he/she will never in 100 years join you. 

Hope this helped! 

This is not even the tip of the iceberg of the training we do with our team if you join us we will train you, hands-on what to say when and why. How you can avoid that the prospects sales filter gets activated and you will never see him again. You don't need to be an expert and learn as we lead you into profit while you are learning. Does this sound like it would be worth to find out more? Here is the link to a short video about why you should join us NOW!! and if you want more details, 

check out this interactive presentation:

or give me a call +1=780-898-0454 send me a Email @ : 

This article was published on 28.02.2019 by Thomas Lehmann
Author's business opportunity:

inCruises - Membership Club, 295 USD to join

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