Horticultural Training on Plantain/banana production and value addition
Plantain (Musa spp) is one of the most important staple food in the world. It is a rich source of fibre, carbohydrates, vitamins A and C, iron and potassium. The crop plays a crucial role in strengthening food security and reducing poverty level in many development countries including Nigeria.
Available data obtained from food and Agriculture organization shows plantain production in Nigeria witnessed an huge increment between 2000 and 2018, yet the country has not been able to meet the demand for plantain. This may be attributed to farmers' dependence on natural regeneration of plant for the supply of planting materials (plantain suckers). This process is very slow and often produces small numbers of planting materials that are usually contaminated by various soil-born pathogens.
In order to meet the demand, ensure availability of planting materials to boost plantain production and provide sustainable income for unemployed youth, there is need for rapid multiplaction of clean suckers.
Entrepreneur takes decision about how other factors of production should be effectively and effectively combined to achieve the expected output in production
Value added products from plantain:
-Plantain Chips
-Plantain flour
-Plantain wine
-Roasted plantain
-Fried plantain and spiced
Plantain is a staple crop and an important dietary source of carbohydrate in Nigeria and in the humid tropical zones of Africa, Asia and South America. Nigeria is one of the largest plantain producing countries in the world.
The contributions of this staple starch crop to the food chains of this region cannot be overemphised. Plantain is rich in vitamin A, C and B group as well as minerals such as calcium and iron. Plantain provides between 9% and 35% of the total calories in the diets of more than 14million people in Sub Sahara Africa.
Plantain and banana are giant perennials herbs that thrive well in the humid and sub humid tropics, plantain (cooking banana) and banana (sweet banana) are differentiated from each other by the level of storage of carbohydrate. Storage of carbohydrates in the fruit takes the form of starch in plantain and sugar in banana hence banana is eaten raw while plantai is cooked or fried.
Plantain can actually be eaten without cooking when ripe.
Plantain production is a lucrative business and general acceptable for consumption, unripe plantain is a medicinal therapy for diabetic patient and Increases male sexual enhancement
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