What Makes Vasayo Different?
Hey! With all of the health and wellness items out and about I bet you're wondering what makes Vasayo different from all the rest? I know there are many different health and wellness companies out there, and we all want to make informed decisions as network marketers. So let me tell you what makes Vasayo different from the other companies.
1. The products are formulated with our liposomal delivery method ensuring at least 90% absorption rate. I know that's insane! Your body is going to get the nutrients it needs at a higher rate.
2. Just like myself the people who support Vasayo LOVE our products, and we believe in them. I personally use the products and they have made such an impact on my life. I sleep better, I wake up easier, I have more energy, and I hurt less. I honestly don’t know how I existed without them before this. They have literally changed my life.
3. Our rewards plan is amazing. There are 8 different ways to earn and the potential is as high as you're willing to put in. Our members work together to form a family to help each other succeed and to make sure no one gets left in the dust.
4. These products are all natural, gmo-free, gluten free, safe for kids (4 and up) and vegetarian! There are no fillers. The liposomal delivery method helps ensure that not only do you get more out of it. You get it faster and where you need it. Check out http://ltl.is/aolHE for product details
5. While we may only have 5 products right now -- we haven't fully launched yet and as a company we have already made over $2 million within the first month (January). The company has plans to expand and do more products and I can't wait to see what that will bring.
Our proven system is going to get you to where you want to be as long as you are willing to put the work towards it too. What are you looking for? Extra spending money? New car? Vacation fund? More time with your family? More energy? Whatever it is that is motivating you to looking to joining a health and wellness based company we can help you get there, as a team and as a new joined family.
What's holding you back? Turn your someday into a today. Check out www.kristenmorgan.vasayo.com for more information!
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