What is Bitclubnetwork?
Bitclubnetwork.com is the only bitcoin mining pool in the world that holds a major share the actual mining that is currently being done that allows individual investors like you and me to invest. The rest of the mining companies are privately held. Bitclubnetwork is 100% crowd funded. So how does it work? Bitclubnetwork is by invite only so you have to have a member create you a user name in order to access the website. Once you have your user created you can browse the website and look at the different opportunities within bitclubnetwork to mine multiple different crypto currencies. In order to become a member you must pay a 1 time $99USD fee to join the network. From there you will have multiple mining products to choose from. The cheapest pool is $500USD for a 1000 day mining contract. Profits are paid daily on each pool and you get to choose what you do with those profits. You can choose to reinvest up to 100% of your daily profits to buy more shares and earn more coin daily or you can pull your profits directly out. The best investment is the Founders Share @ $3500USD which gets you 1 share of the $500 pool, 1 share of the $1000 pool, and 1 share of the $2000 pool. The mining contract is for 1000 days. Every time you re-invest or buy a partial share your mining contract for that partial share or re-investment starts a new 1000 days of mining. Bitclub also pays 5% and 6% commissions on 1st and second Level and has an optional binary structure that pays cycle bonuses and commission on infinite levels. The best part about this opportunity is that if you don't ever get anyone else involved if you never bring another soul to the table your investment still makes money. You decide if you just want to invest or build a team to create even more wealth. I like to say this is the best MLM that is not an MLM because you don't have to work the MLM side of it to make money if you don't want to. So if you are interested in getting in on the crypto currency revolution that is taking place and you want to earn a serious income from doing it. If you want to control your financial future and you want to be in charge of your own destiny you have come to the right place. Dollar for dollar you will not find a better investment opportunity in the crypto world. We are 300,000 members strong and growing. Remember this is world wide so you are welcome to join from anywhere. Also remember that allowing investors from all over the world compounds our chance of success and growing this business exponentially. If you want more information don't hesitate to reach out to me.
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