Catchy phrase, right? Using a part of my last name was only simple. Just like this business. A few years back, I joined a business called Amway. I learned a lot from Amway, however, it was not a business that I had fun Being involved with. The team, the crew, the leader ship… All they wanted was prospecting and prospecting and prospecting and explaining to people in your own living room… Or theirs... why it’s important to be in business with me. What I didn’t get is why am I prospecting by walking through the mall for the grocery store and out right lying...” hey you look familiar. Have we met before?” I didn’t know these people. And they sure didn’t know me. In fact, and I’m sure some of you could attest to this, some of them just wanted to call the cops on me for starting a conversation with them. After all… Most people are not looking to venture into their own business.
But then COVID-19 happened. Many of us are stuck home. Manny still have jobs but they’re forced to stay inside. Unemployment is higher than it’s been in a long time. Wealthy people remain wealthy. And it’s not because they have the ability to buy groceries from Across the world or across the country, but it’s because they use services provided by those of us who are in a lesser class. But that does not mean we are worth less. Your net worth is whatever you want your net worth to be and it has nothing to do with your wallet. The unfortunate truth, however, industry see power by the size of the check you are able to write. And that’s where this business comes in. CTFO… It is free to join. Following the same principle as many other MLM companies, you purchase products through your own business, and you show others to do the same. You make money either buy your own personal volume or both yours and your teams volume. John D. Rockefeller said,” I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.” And We all know the Rockefeller name.
Imagine the possibilities. We are all stuck wondering if we will ever be back to normal. So many businesses are going bankrupt, having to close up their shops.. but those that are home based are thriving. Why not get a piece of that action.
If I told you that purchasing a widget every month would make you a fortune in my business if you shared it freely with others, what would prevent you from doing it?
Answer: well I don’t need any widgets. Why would I buy it?
That’s the mentality of the majority of people... Buying certain tires saves you on gas money... why buy those tires?
Rock chip repair on your windshield can save your life but why get it done?
Doing 30 to 45 minutes of cardio can prevent many health risks...but why do it if you’re healthy?
Buying a widget...whatever that widget is... will make you a fortune when others follow your lead... so WHY NOT DO IT? Only a fool would say,” meh... “ and walk away.
Don’t be that fool.
Here, my widget is CBD products. CBD had many health benefits including pain reduction( I am living proof as a disabled veteran). Stress reduction, relaxation and anxiety reduction. The benefits are worth the money. And if we can make a fortune buying a product that will help us live a healthier life away from pharmaceutical nonsense, then let’s make it happen. Best of all, there is NO CHARGE to get started in this MLM. YOU JUST JOIN AND GET STARTED! If you want sample packs you can buy them but that’s 100% your choice.
It’s Free! So let’s build our futures and live less stressful lives! Create your own universe! Let’s rise!
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