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The Dream and the Process

Article : The Dream and the process

What If…you could take a permanent vacation from your job? Learning about Network marketing is the same as learning a new skill set at a traditional job. Once trained you CAN perform the job. You improve at the job as your abilities , understanding and skill set improve. In Network or Referral based marketing , it works the same way, your abilities and chances improve as your skill set gets better.

 One of the first things you need in your networking toolbox is a Dream. A Big Dream will carry you through when someone you respect says “No”.

  Have you ever had a boss, manager , or college try to talk you out of business Before you even get a good start? They use words like pyramid when in reality most traditional businesses are structured in that manner. One CEO , some executive officers, junior officers , people with various payscales are normally the largest amount of laborers at the bottom. Most my life my Dad owned or worked as a manager at a car lot. I worked in sales at a lot in Phoenix and saw the same work structure as described.

In a networking business that we were associated with I met the #2 earner , he was not the second person who signed in. He had a LARGE DREAM and strong work ethic. I have heard the quote many times that our Dreams come with work clothes.

The next things I will discuss is the process of developing and exploring the depths 0f your Dreams and Goals. If you could go on vacation, where would you like to go? For how long? What kind of car would you drive? What color ? What make? Would you stay in the same house or apartment or would you like to upgrade? Would you want to live in the same city or move to another , perhaps in another state? These are just a few questions to ask yourself as you expand your Dream circle. Another idea you may find useful is to cut pictures from magazines and brochures of the goals and dreams and place them on mirrors or your icebox. A visual image can make your dream become more real and establish your focus on what needs to be done.

I spoke on the phone once to a lady who had been in a marketing business with her husband and she told me they had decided to just work a traditional job. What happened? I believe they lost sight of their “Reason Why”, their dream. Believe in yourself, believe in your “Reason Why”

Recruiting is a process , whether it is emails or phone calls or a combination of the two. When you make the effort to recruit someone it is similar to being a farmer. A farmer plants the seed then must give some time for the seed to grow. When you get back with your potential recruit you can ask questions like “What did you like best about the information ? Do you think you would enjoy being in business for your self? What would you do with your time IF YOU were in control/”

By getting them to discuss their Dreams and Goals you help them expand their belief on what can be accomplished.

Get the people to write a names list. But what happens when the names list runs out? Or they say ‘I don’t have a names list’. The options are buy a names list, go to flea markets , malls or events where there is a large amount of people and began to visit and socialize. At those events , one way is to talk to vendors. They are already in business and have an understanding of business concepts.

The way I make phone calls is the survey idea. I may ask something like “Are you still interested in a home business? “ If yes I ask for their email address so I can send them some information to look over. If I have their email I verify it as still a good email address , thank them , get off the phone and send the email. If they say “No” , I tell them I will take them off of the list , wish them a good day and hang up. My thought process here is if they are on the do not call list , I stayed within the perimeters by giving them the chance to opt out and not discussing money or price on the first call. If they allow me to send the email the price is often enclosed or in a video in the email and I review the information on the follow up call.

A great downline building tool where we can share ideas and income options is

Kerry Smallwood

This article was published on 09.08.2016 by Kerry Smallwood
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Kerry Smallwood Kathleen request a connection and we can email ideas and consider  8 years ago
Kathleen Escalera I will sign yours if you consider signing mine  8 years ago

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