Join this Fabulous $5 Jewelry Business
My name is Lisa and I am Owner and Founder of Touched With Lisa B Fashion Jewelry. I am a Paparazzi Independent Consultant that sells $5 jewelry and accessories that’s all nickel and lead free! We also have Exclusive pieces which are the Zi Collection and those are just $25 which is so worth it!
Our jewelry is Fabulous and affordable and of great quality. For just $5 it is affordable for everyone. All women can feel beautiful wearing our $5 jewelry. That’s one of the reasons why I joined. The jewelry is so affordable that you don’t have to be in a certain pay bracket to afford our jewelry. It’s for everyone, wether you have a little funds or a lot you can still spice up your outfit with confidence. I am aiming to put smiles on faces $5 at a time!
Our kits start as little as $99 with everything you need to get your business started. The kit comes with all your business material and 35 pieces of jewelry! That’s $175 you make for $99 to start. We also have other lists you can start with. The $299 kit which comes with all your business material plus 120 pieces of jewelry and then there is the $499 kit that comes with your business material and 200 pieces of jewelry PLUS a convention ticket which is held every year for Paparazzi consultants. And the Fabulous thing about this business is that you can work it from anywhere. You can also work as little or as much as you want. There is no quota!
Oh!! And let’s not forget the compensation plan. You get 45% on every sale that you make wether it’s face to face or through your free website!!! You also can earn incentives just for working your business, such as, paid vacations awards, bonuses and so much more!
This is a great opportunity for everyone!! Even men loves Paparazzi Accessories!! And we carry some Fabulous men and little girls pieces as well. I am so glad that I joined Paparazzi. Paparazzi has given me the opportunity to have my own business something that I thought was out of my reach.
I am looking for a few awesome individuals that’s ready to partner up with me and start the journey towards financial freedom!! If that’s you then follow me on Facebook @ touchedwithlisabfashionjewelry and if you are ready to join me in this great opportunity that has changed so many lives then go to my website @
I am looking forward to having you apart of the team!!
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