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The Next 90 Days could set Your Family up for Life, no hype!

There is a Multi-Trillion dollar industry that almost no one knows about!

It is about to disrupt the way we think of and use money just like email disrupted the postal service. When was the last time you wrote or received a handwritten letter? They are few and far between since the internet came around. Napster disrupted the Music Industry, Netflix and Redbox disrupted the Movie Industry...remember when there was a Blockbuster on every corner? No more!  

Even though these disruptions took out many companies, there were also people that made MILLIONS! If you had the chance would you pick up some Apple, Google or Microsoft stock? I sure would! So many people around the world have been kept in poverty intentionally by withholding education about how money works. If you were fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family then you may have gotten some education in this area but most of us didn't. We didn't learn how to save and we certainly didn't learn how to make our money work for us. No more!! 

We are on a mission to Educate the World about Finance and how money works! We want to Bank the Unbanked! We are literally teaching people how to Grow their Wealth and be their own bank with nothing more than a cell phone! In over 200 countries already, this is a Global Opportunity like you have never seen!

Look at how a Digital Currency called M-Pesa has Empowered the people of Kenya!

We have a community of over 2 Million members, a Founder who is so Astounding she will probably win the Nobel Peace Prize one day for Eradicating Poverty around the World and a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity to be Pioneers in this EXCITING Industry!


No Recruiting required, No Monthly Fees or Autoships!

This does NOT compete with anything you are currently doing, it only complements it! Put your money to work for you! You aren't making much interest from a bank! You are probably losing money if you are in a 401K so why not exchange your depreciating fiat currency for an appreciating asset that has no debt or inflation attached to it? 

If I said, "Give me a Dollar and I will Give you Seven" you would do it all day right?  

That is exactly what people do when they purchase commodities and/or appreciating assets. In this case, you are purchasing a World Class Financial and Cryptocurrency Education which comes with FREE tokens for mining coins. These coins have been steadily rising in value for the last 16 months, from 5 cents to $7.12 currently .  

But what makes the next 90 days so special? Our company has grown SO FAST that our Founder is Rewarding us! She expected 50K miners in the first year we got 850K! Now at 17 months we have over 2 Million!! Why are we Growing SO Fast? People are paying tuition and getting back 10 times what they paid in just a year with the potential of much more to come!  

Digital Currency IS the Future of Payments! Become an Educated miner now and receive these coins at wholesale! No special equipment needed. Push button simple. Google Bitcoin Millionaires and see how Profitable Digital Currency can be! It's all about the timing and the timing is PERFECT! We are FAST approaching a Split which gives you twice the tokens for mining coins, we have an extra 10% bonus token promotion running and on Oct 1st EVERY COIN YOU OWN WILL DOUBLE! These coins are predicted to grow for the next 2-3 years! They were $1.70 when I got involved, do not hesitate!! 

This is NOT Get Rich Quick! This is a 2-3 year plan, if you just want to wait on the coins to go up. Think of it like a certificate of deposit or something. These coins may very well go over $100/coin but it will take some time just as Bitcoin took 4 years. If you need income in the mean time, we have an EXTREMELY Profitable affiliate compensation plan. In fact, we have 7 of the Top 25 Networking Earners in the World, including the Number 1 spot earning 4 Million a month!! Obviously that is not typical! LOL but it IS Possible!  

Bottom line, if you BLITZ this business for the next 90 days, you could set up your family for life! Seriously! Tens of Thousands already have!! 

We have an AMAZING community of people waiting to help you make your Dreams come true. Lock arms with us and lets RUN HARD! The name of this game is to accumulate and help others accumulate as many coins as we can before Oct 1st!! This is a ONE TIME ONLY Reward for those of us that are mining this coin before Oct 1, 2016!

It's FREE to sign up! Educational packages available in a wide price range. We have multiple products you can earn commission on and I haven't even mentioned the new Merchant Platform coming out!! Please contact me to get your questions answered and lets get you strategically placed! The Split meter is at 97%!!!

This article was published on 21.06.2016 by Katherine Clement
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