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Why are we here at MLM Gateway? You know the answer – I don’t need to go into it. But it is obvious – we want to get our business out there in front of as many people as possible so that, hopefully, they will join our program, our business will grow and we’ll make the kind of money we are hoping to make so that houses and cars are purchased, the bills are paid, vacations are taken, kid’s education is paid for and life is good.

Isn’t that about it? Fairly close?

And there are MANY good businesses out there and MANY good ones represented here on MLM Gateway.

What would you say is the Number One Thing that any business needs in order to be successful? That’s kind of a two-part answer:

(1) It needs to be attractive and

(2) It needs to convert

Did you happen to think that Just Maybe its attractiveness IS its ability to convert?

What makes conversion (getting more sign ups) easy?

Well, from experience, I would say it’s a combination of things.

• It can’t be too expensive. I would say $100 or less.

• It shouldn’t be too complicated. No need to be an Internet navigation guru through multiple websites.

• It needs to be a simple, non-technical concept. Let me tell you – the first time I heard this explained – I GOT IT.

• Piggy-backing on that simple concept is that if you can easily grasp this program and understand it, then you can turn around and explain it to others just as easily. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stymied by the fact that I cannot adequately explain the business concept I was part of. (Too many moving parts.) That turns a lot of people off – and then it turned me off.

• It needs to be a product in demand. It’s in demand alright – 8.27 Trillion dollars a year to the global economy – and growing.

• It’s got to have a great compensation plan and this needs to be easy to explain as well – and it is.

• It would help if it was a lot of fun. Guess what? It is.

I don’t know – what do you think? Do you think it just might be attractive BECAUSE of these reasons? Sure seems like it would make those sign ups a lot easier to come by, doesn’t it?

I have been benefiting (hugely) from this program designed to save people as much as 75% on something that most of us would love to be able to do more of ... it also provides those who want to earn extra income an easy way to do it! If you’re headed for retirement – pay attention!

I was delighted when someone shared these details with me; would you be interested in knowing more?

Then, go to:

Watch the 10 minute video, read through the website (the same website that you will receive – no additional cost) and I believe that you’ll see, as I did, what an incredible, and convertible, opportunity this is.

Check it out. You decide if it looks good for you.

If so, text me at 210-876-5004 with the words “Tell me more.”

This article was published on 10.10.2019 by Jim Johnston
Author's business opportunity:

My1DollarBusiness - Travel and Profit, 20 USD to join

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