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No Time To Stop!


  Serious athletes know it. Olympian hopefuls understand it. Runners, boxers, weight-lifters, as well as many other athletes, know that taking time off from their endeavor - even for as little as a couple of weeks - means that they must redouble their efforts and start over with training several months before their next competition or in order to improve on their last performance. Skaters skate; runners run; lifters lift. Even minimal regular activity helps them stay limber and progressing while keeping them from 'backsliding' to a point where they have to chance injury in order to get back into competition form. Professionally-minded Network Marketers (like us, right?) have to be in that same mode - we have to never let up on our activity. We may have periods where we allow ourselves to slow down a bit, but if we are Serious, we never completely stop our Profit-Potential activities! If we DO treat our business like a 'seasonal' sport, like baseball or football, we know that when we start again, it will be a hard and grinding road to get ourselves back up to par. (Think spring training!) Network Marketers network. (And along the way, they get to market as well!) Along with ongoing networking, Network Marketers also continue working on themselves. Continual self-education is key to improving how we network and how we market. We are like great white sharks who must constantly be moving and gathering in life-sustaining oxygen - or else we suffocate and die. There are two periods every year when some 'marketers' think they can act, instead, like bullhead sharks, who are able to rest because they have muscles that pump water through their gills to get oxygen. Those periods of the year are the summer and winter holidays. REAL Network Marketers, however, know that these are the BEST times to keep networking. The following selection of Marketing Tips cuts to the chase and gives us some great guidelines on WHY we shouldn't stop and WHAT we can do to keep going: Do not stop marketing now! Now is the time to sharpen your focus and reach out to your client or customer base. You need to keep your business visible if it is to remain viable. Continual and meaningful contact with your clients or customers can create "raving fans" who will send referrals to you. Go for Empathy, Get Real. Refocus on the attributes of your business and assess what has worked and what need to be retooled or discarded. Determine what sets you apart from your competitors. Use these tips to hone your craft and get your edge over all the 'bullheads' out there! The thing is - people need to see YOU out there as well! If you are not visible, then you are - what? INVISIBLE! Right? Don't be a 'bullhead', taking a breather. Be a Great White - continuing to pursue your Personal Development, continuing to network (or at least practicing on your networking!), continuing to 'hang your shingle' out there. The more you are visible now, the more likely others will remember you! Start using this as your mantra today! Want a low cost home business opportunity? Go to (Take the Tour) Interested in GOOD tasting healthy snacks? Visit You'll be glad you did! 

Steve Wright

This article was published on 05.01.2016 by Steve Wright
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