Good morning good people I present to you a million dollar network marketing named after jamalifehelpersglobal the purpose of the network is give every individual globally a high standard of living of which we all deserve regardless we come from different countries with different status and currencies.....jamalifehelpersglobal allows you to take control of your account always and also to encash your money everytime when you need it....
The network started in Belgium but Kirt maes one of the Gurus in the net
The aim was to empower the disadvantaged and put them where they belong just like everyone else
Since I have joined this networking My life has really changed and i'm able to impact other people's life by showing them the right way to escape poverty since I'm from South Africa I see a lot of my brother's and sisters suffer therefore I introduce this strategy to them
It is quite affordable to join Jamalife with only a R100 to be converted it amounts to $5
You join in under you 2 people you help them to recruit 2 under them then you have 6 your stage 1 is complete.
By the way jamalifehelpersglobal has 8 stages
They will create an account for you that will enable you to see every single downliner
Meaning that even If you can join in your brother from Nigeria and you are in South Africa if he recruit that side they will reflect in your account and more dollars for you and other interesting thing is that you can encash dollars everytime anytime you want, you can also trade dollars for hard cash.....
Jamalife account consists of:
It shows you how many people are under you
It shows you on which stage are you on in a matrix tree format
It shows you how many dollars you have
To join it is easy
Easy to understand
Recruit 2 people and teach them to do same
Amazing incentives
Cars of your dream and a house in the last stage
For more information go to jamalifehelpersglobal.com
If you want to join call me on 0726964119
Or email me at mqekesipho04@gmail.com
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