Are You a Smart Marketer?
Smart marketers NEVER chase prospects and don't waste time with "tire kickers and lookie-loos". Smart marketers utilize a system that contain the necessary tools that send them HOT, targeted and interested prospects.
So what system are you using to have serious and interested prospects looking at your business? Hopefully you're not using tired old prospecting methods like making a list of everyone you know, placing flyers on car windows in Walmart parking lots or approaching strangers at the mall. Those antiquated methods don't work and as far as I'm concerned never worked.
Why not take advantage of the fact that we are living in an age where technology has afforded us the opportunity to get our message out to hundreds of thousands of people a day! Trust me, you could never do that "back in the day". If you would have told me twenty years ago that you could prospect thousands of people a day, I would have been convinced you were smoking that "funny" stuff.
Here's where I'm going with this...
What does practically everyone have within arms reach 24 hours a day, 7 days a week these days? What's the one thing people reach for as soon as they wake up?
If you said their cell phone, you would be right!
Here's something to consider when it comes to taking advantage of living in today's world and marketing your business.
A study was conducted that discovered something startling. Did you know that the average cell phone user will stop and check their phone even while their speaking with friends and family?
Think about how many times you check your cell phone when you receive a notification. Or how many times you have seen people with their cell phones attached to their ear right in front of you while you stood behind them in line somewhere. It's crazy right? Makes you wonder how people functioned before the cell phone craze took over.
But imagine for a minute you taking advantage of the fact that here you have a fantastic business you're promoting and getting your business message in front of people that are almost guaranteed to see it?
If we are to be successful in our businesses, it means we are attempting to get the word out about our life changing businesses to as many people as possible right? What better way to get a massive amount of prospects looking at your business than using the one thing that everyone can't seem to live without... their cell phone.
Now imagine having a marketing system that has a tool that allows you to make a ton of money plus place YOUR business opportunity right smack on individuals cell phones without spamming them? What I discovered about a year ago is the answer many network marketers everywhere needed in their marketing arsenal to take their businesses to the next level.
So if you're not a smart marketer already, click on the image below to begin your journey into becoming one today!

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