Hemp 4 Humanity!
How are you?
No, seriously. Are you happy with you health right now?
Are you excited to go to work every morning?
Are you helping others find there happiness?
What will you do?
I have been on an amazing journey the past couple years, you might not think it is for you, but I would be a jerk if I didn't at least show you...
We are trying to help people learn more about the Benefits of Hemp, and make it easier to spread the word to your loved ones.
Every Tues and Thurs night at 8pm est time, there will be a Zoom Call. This will be an uplifting experience of Hemp Awareness.
For almost 2 yrs now, after losing over 75lbs, and Changing my life completely, I have found a way to help people change the way they feel as well.
I was in a bad place. I had been drinking heavily and very uncomfortable with my weight and place in life. I needed to break the cycle, I was dealing with knee pain while training for a triathlon 2 yrs ago. A friend suggested I try some CBD salve on my Knee. I did and within 30 mins, the pain and swelling had been dulled, plus my mobility was back!
I was HOOKED! I began soaking up every detail of info I could find on Hemp and CBD. I began raving to my friends for days, and signed up 7 people before I even got my order. When you then use the products, and they not only meet your expectations, but you realize that it has done wonders with your mood and ability to focus, wait what???
I then knew this was a sign, I am suppose to hel
You might not be in the right place right now, but it has made such a dramatic change in my life, physically, mentally, and through the help of our mentor and 7-figure earner, finacially as well.
Anyone who is interested can message me for the Zoom meeting ID. This plant has untapped potential, to not learn more how we can help ourselves is crazy.
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