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Get paid to drive a Jeep

Welcome everyone,

Lets start with a few fun facts. The total household debt accumulated by Americans as of June 30, 2017 is $12.84 trillion. Looking closer mortgage debt $8.69 trillion, auto loan $1.19 trillion, student loan $1.34 trillion, credit card $784 billion. Studies have found that people eat fast food on an average of two days per week. Studies also have shown that 16-20 year olds eat fast food at least twice a day. TWICE A DAY!!!, how ridiculous is that. And those are just the beginning of numerous of things. 

Now lets talk about Tranont.

First position in the company, they will pay you to drive a JEEP. If you are already not excited just wait. Within the company, they out you through training for their multiple services they offers. And they are tax services, have a specialist go over all your taxes and help you obtain knowledge of doing them. Credit card services, get your perfect 840 score with a professional in no time. Legal services, you'll be offered a lawyer for your needs. Healthcare services, have your own private doctor. Retail services, become a specialized life insurance agent. And more. Their main products are Life: enzyme based supplement helps break down carbohydrates ( ie. pasta,bread,oats.) into simple sugars for energy. Vibe: b vitamins based supplement influences the production of energy within cells, naturally, without the addiction, jitters or withdrawa. And Balance: a supplement that helps to replenish your meals with minerals, antioxidants and vitamins for a strong foundation for health.

If you would like to join me on this AMAZING opportunity hive me a message. This is a life changing company who I wouldn't be telling you about if I didn't believe in it. Changing other peoples life with a simple step, helping people get out of debt, be more healthy, productive, ambitious, help everyone to make their dreams come true. Life is to short to sit back and wait, I took my step will you?.

Now I would like to tell you a little about myself and why I joined. I was born in Siberia Russia. Came here to th states and started a new life, it has been phenomenal. I love to read and currently studying human psychology. Love nature and being out in the world meeting new people, experiencing new things. WHY I joined Tranont, well simple because I want to help everyone get the knowledge they need to be happy and financially free and FINALLY have their dreams come true, because I know how it fermenting stubble to be so poor you have to beg for food, to feel helpless, but no more. 

This article was published on 08.07.2018 by Irina Perry
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