Opportunity To Build BIG Networking Investment Program In Your Region
As the NextBTC works?
The NextBTC has created a cloud of mineraçao, scalable and stable. This cloud are bits of Miners for customers, according to the power of the machine hired. That is, all the miners of NextBTC are part of a single mining cloud working together and sharing the gains in proportion to each client. The cloud operates always with up to 75% occupancy from clients, i.e. 25% of the cloud is always available for new customers. Keeping a balance avoiding lack of Miners in stock, adding new mminer in our cloud when our stock has more than 75 percent full.
As the miners work?
Manage mining is a complex work, they heat up enough and often burn. To prevent customers lost their winnings in the case of a miner burn or stop working we create a mining algorithm that is responsible group bits of a cloud of physical miners in Virtual Miners. Thus, if one of the miners of our cloud stops working, another takes your place in thousandths of seconds. These Virtual Miners uses a modern container-based virtualization technology used by the world's largest data centers.
How the algorithm works?
Each Virtual Miner is controlled by our mining algorithm. It ensures first the integrity and functionality of the miner independent of physical events. To explain another functionality of the algorithm we will assume that the customer purchased a virtual miner, accessed the mining area and began mining. From this moment the mining algorithm will work for 20 hours straight (mining cycle), reinvesting the bitcoins mined every 10 minutes (120 reinvestment per cycle). At the end of the cycle the client will receive the increased yield of them mined bitcoins, increasing profits.
All user withdraws are posted on the site (keep you anonymously). See Withdraws
Every site is encrypted with SSL/HTTPS. All cloud miners is mantened in private network, secure of hackers.
Low Fees
Our fees is the minimum necessary to keep the NextBTC working. You can see more details in our Terms of Use
Referral Program
NextBTC has a great network affiliate system. If you want more bitcoins, see our Affiliate Program
Affiliate Program
The NextBTC has a great affiliate system, you receive 5% bonus of each miner bought by your affiliate. When you have 10 affiliates with active miners you will be promoted the Leader and your bonus are of 10% of each miner bought by your affiliate. The leaders also receive daily coupons of discount with 5% off.
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