Looking to add 10 more people to my team!!
I have been in the travel industry for several years. My grandmother used to own her own business and I was a part of that when she was in the travel industry. I really enjoy helping people make there dreams come true. I also joined this site as well just like others have which is to be able to network market. I enjoy changing peoples lives one day at a time. I love working out of the comfort of my own home and not having to get up and deal with traffic or put on make up because I work out of my home. I also enjoy being able to work from home because I am a cancer survivor and been in remission now for 9 years but unfortunately with chemo it did a number on my body so I am not able to stand for long periods of time on my feet. I am glad that I was able to find this opportunity because it was a blessing. We are all like family and couldn't ask for a better team.
Are you looking to spend more time with your family? Are you looking to work out of the comfort of your own home and not have to take the commute to work everyday? Are you looking to supplement your income because your not making enough or just want to add an additional income? Want to earn travel perks after you have done your certification. Travel industry is a 8.8 trillion dollar business. I know that there are some out there looking for residual income, yes with this company you have an OPTION to make residual income but you do NOT have to. Im looking to add an additional 10 people to my team that are serious about working from home and helping people book there dream vacations.
In order to be able to work for this company you must be at least 18 years of age
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