STOP wasting your money on SCAMS!
Hi, My name's Steve, I'm 52, a single father of two boys, just a regular guy, a tradesman who spent his whole life working in factories, I'm not retired yet but working on it by being a Passive Investor in several Forex and Bitcoin Programs, I'm currently earning an average of 10% pr/day and have recently taken some of our earnings and invested into physical Gold and also Silver Bullion Collector Coins from mints around the World...
I can show you how to start investing with no out of pocket cost to you or if you want to fast track your wealth-building Cash Forex Group is my number one recommendation, it costs $300 to join but there are 7 ways to earn an income with CFX, I've been earning an average of 12% pr/wk passively here from their Auto Forex Trading since day one, and whenever anyone in your Team makes a withdrawal you get paid whether you sponsored them or not...
For those who want to build a Team, there are 5 additional income streams and you only need to sponsor one person to qualify, my family has five accounts with CFX, both my sons and even my parents love CFX...
There are many legitimate companies that will give you free money and cryptocurrencies, you can start investing with as little as $1, you can compound your returns and diversify into more and more investments with no out of pocket cost, this is how I started and now I regularly put from $250 to $1,000 into any new investment that I join, I'm not bragging here, just saying that if I can do this anyone can...
We only invest in real companies that have a physical presence offline and/or where the owners are known and provide real proof of how they generate their profits...
One of our investments has been paying its members for 26 years before the internet was even a thing when everything was done by mail, lol, this is currently a private association but is reopening to the public soon...
Another has been paying an average of 6% pr/wk since 2016...
One of our forex companies put $5 Million of their own money into their trading account, you can log into MT5 and check this for yourself, they are currently giving all free signups $20 to try them out...
One of the admins I know spent $2 Million dollars on a Superbowl Advertisement, through him we invest in a publicly listed 16yr old biotech company that has over 120 patents and is working on a cure for MS...
Our Ethereum smart contract pays us whenever anyone in the contract makes a deposit or withdrawal the Dev is about to link this contract to an exchange that will allow anyone in the world to exchange their crypto for their local fiat currency all the fees from the exchange will be fed back into the original smart contract...
We even have a Bitcoin wallet on our phone that pays us an average of 8% pr/mth just for keeping our Bitcoin balance at a minimum of $500...
The companies we invest in are real... we welcome you to come to No BS Crypto Biz and check us out,
Wishing you all the best,
Cheers, Steve.
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