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If someone had told me 11 months ago that I could make more money in one year than I ever did in jobs I've worked combined 30 years, I would have told them they were insane. 

All my schooling did not prepare me for living the life of an entrepreneur. 

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Angela Alvarez Icaza and I am an Entrepreneur.

In 2013, after 30 years of working for someone else, I was still left with an empty feeling. Although I enjoyed every job I had, I was unfulfilled and Just Over Broke. Get it? J.O.B.

I wanted so much more and I knew I had the talent and the drive to become self-employed. My Mom and I started a business selling Sports Apparel online and then opened a retail store. It paid the bills but not much else. But we were still stuck in a job, only we owned it. I then learned the difference between being self-employed and being a business owner.

However, this was also the same year I got sick. After my initial diagnosis of Lupus, the hits just kept coming. I was then diagnosed with Scleroderma, Interstitial Lung Disease, Pulmonary Fibrosis and 4 other immune diseases. I was given 5-7 years prognosis but I don't think about that much. I think about the things I want to do and the places I want to see. 

After being bedridden most of the time, or not wanting to leave the house because of how I looked, often being too sick to make my very important Doctors appointments, I decided I needed to change my mindset, get rid of the business that was weighing me down and do something that gave me a real sense of freedom.

I started this affiliate marketing. I had absolutely no idea what affiliate marketing was but I found an article in Forbes magazine about Digital Altitude and how it was the #1 ranked affiliate marketing company in 2017.  That clinched DA for me.

I was scared but I was also scared of not being able to fulfill my dreams. The latter far outweighed any other fear I could possibly have. 

So, today, 11 months later, I am achieving the lifestyle of my dreams. I can travel and be where ever I want to be in the world and continue to make money and I mean GREAT money. At the end of this year, I will have made my first ever in my life 6 figure income. And there is so many better things to come.

I hope that you want to get to know me more and if you want to join me on my journey, GREAT and if not thats fine too. 

It is my pleasure to meet you.

Angela Alvarez Icaza for more info.

Skype: Mariangela07201967

This article was published on 04.10.2017 by Angela Alvarez
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