The RIGHT Company Can Either Make You Money OR Drain You From Monthly Costs
Do you know why MOST Networkers DO NOT MAKE MONEY? Most Networkers DO NOT know how to use the right Tools! Most Networkers DO NOT know how to Recruit! Most Networkers DO NOT know how to Sell! Most Networkers DO NOT know how to Duplicate! Most Networkers DO NOT have a System!
Worse of All, most Networkers DO NOT have the right Vehicle, THEY ARE NOT WITH THE RIGHT COMPANY!
Super6 Million Dollar Plan (Super6 MDP) Solved All These Issues!
#1. It cost ONLY $50 for a membership and there's NO MONTHLY COSTS so Super6 MDP is for the MASSES, it is for EVERYONE around the World!
#2. We have a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE that you will earn 4 times the cost of your membership in the first week so You Have Nothing To Lose!!!
So if you do NOT earn $200 within 7 days from the start of the game, we give you back your $50 for the membership cost + $150 for your troubles, but you forfeit your account.
#3. EVERY ACTIVE MEMBER WILL EARN!!! Because of the unique rotation program, even if you are at the bottom of the structure in one round and do not make any money, the next round you take the top slot in the system and take the top earner position. And in 20 rounds you will get a chance to cycle 211 times, which means you will get paid 211 times within 80 days
#4. Even if you are the LAST TO JOIN, YOU WILL EARN AS MUCH AS THE FIRST PERSON in the Structure, again because of the UNIQUE ROTATION SYSTEM. Every round the system will automatically rotate you to a different position so you have the opportunity to be placed at the Top Paying Slot in the Structure and have the opportunity to make the most money than anyone else in the entire company on a specific round.
#5. Every time you Earn, you can buy more positions in the system and there is NO LIMIT as to how many accounts or positions you can acquire to increase your Weekly Income, PLUS extend your earnings indefinitely.
#6. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RECRUIT to build a personal team or downline. With the Unique Rotation System, every member will automatically rotate into different positions so ALL Members get a chance to have all other members to become their downline as we go through all 20 rounds.
#7. Every round the system will automatically set aside from your earnings and place it into 2 other money making vehicles. So the system will invest on your behalf into a Cryptocurrency investment platform and also buy you a position in the Jeunesse Global health and stem cell company.
#8. ALL of us in Super6 MDP, WE WORK TOGETHER to grow our Super6 FAMILY. All we do is HELP our Family, Friends, Churches, Charities, and Everyone to Make Money from home and online while we are all in Lockdown.
Visit, Be a Pioneer and JOIN US and let's make a difference in the world by helping others, not just make money but help others attain Financial FREEDOM in a short period of time, within 80 days from when we launch!
Rey Mellomida
Marketing Director
Super6 Million Dollar Plan