How to get more sign ups in your Multi Level/Network Marketing Business- Part 2-
How to get more sign ups in your Multi Level/Network Marketing Business- Part 2-continued
So if you haven’t been living under a rock in network marketing (which would basically mean that you got into the business but then never actually did anything and launch it so you don’t actually know what’s going on or who’s doing what in the business. Basically what a gaming community would call a ‘NOOB’ or ‘NEWBIE’ for the elaborated version but that is an article for a completely different day, month, hour and year) you would have heard someone probably mention warm and cold markets. Let me elaborate on them a little for you to give you a better understanding.
Warm market essentially means people who you know and who know you and you are in their good books and don’t mind seeing or being around. This would normally include your friends, family and work colleagues. A good way to check out who is your warm market is using what is known as the ‘phone-call’ test( I learnt this one all by myself, I should actually copyright it). So what you have to do is call up the person and say your name and if they respond immediately then great, you know that they form part of your warm market, if not it means that they are part of what is known as your cold market
Basically your cold market are all the other 7 billion people that you don’t know on the planet who are deemed as relative strangers. Despite this lack of acquaintance, this market will be the one that gives you all your business and makes you a millionaire in the end, believe it or not that’s the truth because the reality is that our warm market is generally filled with people who just pretend to have our backs but actually don’t care much about whether you succeed or not and would usually much rather you be lower than them in some sense because that is an innate part of being human with the whole survival of the fittest and what not. Yes, I know it sucks and it may cause you a few blank and empty moments when your closest friends turn you away before even seeing what world ventures is about, but don’t worry, they’ll be out of your life in no time and you will proceed to attract the right friends into your life
That is me for this article. The next one will show you how to expand your market
Yadav Timmal
Founder of Network Marketing Assistance
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