14 Japanese Recipes
14 Japanese recipes is a book that is on sale at barnes and noble that lets you make 14 of your favorite japenese cuisines at home to save money http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/14-japanese-recipes-phyllis-dawkins/1029919846?ean=2940012628541
18 ways to make money on the streets shows you creative ways to make money on the streets including selling items and much more also a tip to make money with your car for only 6 dollars http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/18-ways-to-make-money-on-the-streets-phyllis-dawkins/1104299321?ean=2940013610262
Other titles available are Make your own homemade curtains with flat bedsheets has simple instructions to show you how to make your own bedsheets this book is only 6 dollars and shows you how if the selection at local departtment stores isn't exactly what you want you have another option and that is to make your own curtains with just some flat bedsheets from your local department store a sewing machine and a little creativity.
50 extra uses for common household items shows you extra uses for all kinds of common household items including fabric sheets how to use lip balm to unstick a zipper and much more.
44 ways to cut high cost of gasoline is a book that shows you 44 ways to cut those expensive gas bills that creep up with the rising cost of gasoline going up every year it's good to now there are tips out there to help you cut cost and have more money in your pocket.
How to cut your grocery bills in half shows you how rebates coupons can help you save money on your groceries lots of good tips in this book for only 6 dollars
Great tasting popcorn,fudge and taffy at getitpoppinggourmetpopcornhaywoodgourmet this online popcorn store has all kinds of speciality popcorn such as white cheddar, butter, chocolate caramel, garlic parmesan
Peanut butter fudge,chocolate and mint fudge peanut butter fudge, salty nut roll lots of different fudge some with nuts on them and also taffy . The store ships from wisconsin and it's great tasting popcorn fudge there is also popcorn seeds for popping and popcorn sets that make great gifts check it out today you'll never want to taste ordinary popcorn or fudge again you can also do fundraisers and parties as well Haywood gourmet is a great company in haywood wisconsin.
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