Shopping made easy
I'm actually reaching out about business.. I started a side business in the health/wellness space. I'm looking for someone to partner with me part time, opening new accounts for the manufacturer I'm working with. I'd love for you to take a look at this, especially if you're open to another income stream (?) If not, no worries - just wanted to see if you're open to exploring
Hey yall !!!
Are you out of household cleaners, hand sanitizer and disinfectants?!?! Can you not find them in the store??
Hit me up!! I got the hook up that doesnt run out and you can have it to your door in 2-4 days!! Whaaaaaat!?!? You can get it all and not have to leave your house.
#onlineshopping #stopthesickness #washyourhands #dontsneezeonme
Gotcha. Well, I've been wanting to touch base with you... I'm actually working with Melaleuca, and honestly I am blown away. The group I'm with is using a system that is unlike anything I have EVER seen before! It really is the missing link between old school and new school. No in-home meetings, 1-1's, or live webinars and getting a 90% conversion rate with a 96% re-order rate. And it's SUPER duplicatable! Anyway, I'm assuming you're happy where you are, however if you're even slightly open to taking a peek, you have GOT to see this! Kinda depends on how much you'd want to put into it and get out of it. And it may not even be for you... But we wouldn't know that until you learn more.. It's just way too much to text. Introducing customers to an online shopping club with all green/natural products. A little too much to text tho.. can we chat later? If it's not for you No new worries. No new money in your budget required!! Youre already buying these things. Why not buy American and get it delivered fast! I dont sell a product, I educate, give virtual tour of the store, and help set up accounts.
Non toxic chemicals all green and natural safe products for you and your family. Let's get you feeling better. Because if you feel good you look good too.
Love helping families get back their health.
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