Turn your Cosmetics into money and start earning from home. Home based business.
Turn your Cosmetics into money and start earning from home.
Our Company was founded 53 years ago by 2 Brothers. It is One of World's fastest growing Cosmetics and beauty company that sells direct. With Origin from Sweden, it has become a household name in over 64 Countries. Our products are inspired by nature, powered by Science, suitable for Men, Women, Children and the Environment.
We are the 4th largest ranked fragrance producer in the world and our perfumes have won FiFi Awards(Oscars of Fragrances)
The Company has Global Research and Development centre with more than 100 Scientists. When we say we're Beauty, we have been doing it for more than 50 years.
The Company owns 5 production units in Sweden, Poland, China, Russia and India.
With products marketed by over 9 million independent consultants worldwide, it generates around €1.5 billion from annual sales. It has total dominance of the European market which makes it the largest direct selling company in Europe.
Here in Nigeria, our Company has been changing lives for more than 6 years now. With a population of over 170 million people, products are being marketed by over 300,000 Consultants a larger population here remains untapped. Our Company is empowering like minded people across Nigeria to fulfill their financial dreams as well as that of their families.
Our Mission is look great, make money and have fun. The beauty world is inexhaustible, everyday from infants to adults soaps, toothpaste, creams, shampoos, roll-ons, conditioners, perfumes, makeups and many other daily consumables are used daily by people irrespective of gender, age, colour and race. Our products ranges from high quality fragrances, makeups, skincare, hair care and feet care.
Our Company offers great compensation plans with huge monthly incentives packages.
As a Consultants, you will get 23% discount on any product you buy. You make 30% immediate profit by selling to your families, friends and neighbours.
The company pays you based on your/team sales with huge cash awards for consistency and growth, with also local and international trips offers.
Due to the global pandemic our Company is offering free registration to anyone that's joining us this month. In Nigeria, with as little as #9,000 and above you can become an independent beauty consultant with access to over 1000 Organic skincare and cosmetics products.
For more information check https://www.facebook.com/104493244318537/posts/234914754609718/
For registration click here https://ng.oriflame.com/business-opportunity/become-consultant?potentialSponsor=448947
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