Gold Company searching for entrepreneurs
If you wish to join our team of professionals who are taking control of our own financially futures, we welcome you. Eagle-wealth is a strong committed group of marketers and Business owners. We work online collaborating with a very well respected offline company (Eagle Aurum) they are market leaders in Gold and Silver asset management.
We work together to ensure everyone in the team gets looked after in terms of getting their referrals to complete their coins in the compensation plan. Our motto: We leave no one behind.
Our Gold company Eagle Aurum sell Gold and Silver. They also have interests in mines and oil drilling so they have several sources of income. This business is totally compliant with all laws and regulations. They have offices in Dubai and Spain and soon opening in Hong Kong, Mexico, UK and more to come.
You are able to purchase products directly from their offices or from their website.
Look at this video about the company and compensation plan -
This program works for Everyone who is serious about changing their lives and willing to put in some work because this is your business. You have 24/7 support from our Eagle-wealth community and skype room where people from different time zones are available. We have a facebook group for paid member where you will find all the training you need for your business. We have a facebook group for prospects, you can add people who want more information. You have the support of a wonderful team who is committed to helping you succeed in your business. We only promote one link (the team link) and this is important for the program to work. We are a part of the companies branding of their product, putting the company Eagle Aurum on the bullion. It´s a win-win.
The Eagle-wealth community is run by the team. All prospects are required to fill a form to register. Then an admin will contact you to help you sign up with the team and the company. Recommended that you are ready with funds so that you can purchase your first coin/purchase order, there is no monthly fee. It is a one time fee of 45 dollars. We as a team do take this business seriously and we ask you to contribute by promoting the one time link. The team´s marketing efforts can help you fill your coin, however, if you have 3 people you would like to introduce this to, they can go directly under you. That would help you fill your coin faster, the 3 people do the same as you and get their 3 and so on until you got your 12 people to fill your first coin.
I´ll give out the facebook link for prospects, just ask to join and we will accept you instantly so you can read more about this business. Here´s the link: go and check it out. If this might interest you message me if you have further questions.
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