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At one time or another we have all experienced the frustration that comes from building something and then watch it crash and burn. We have worked in the corporate world in a job that we thought would last a lifetime, only to be downsized. We have built networks only to have the companies change the compensation plans and all our hard work just disappeared before our eyes. We have at one time or another watch as others, people we know and love and sometimes people we can't stand, succeed in different fields and left us wondering what's wrong why is it you can't seem to succeed no matter how hard you try. 

We have all been told to think positive, to fake it till you make it and to never give up. But that is hard to do when the mortgage needs to be paid and the money is not in the account, when the bills are piling up and the pay check cannot stretch, no matter how hard you try. No amount of positive thinking is going to add more money to your pay nor will fake it till you make it pay the bills. Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying that you must not think positive, all I am saying is that positive thinking alone will guarantee an empty bank account. The Bible states that faith WITHOUT works is dead, and it also says that whatever a man sows that will he also reaps. 

Most of us were taught that to get ahead and succeed all we need to do is follow a set of 3 simple rules.

1. Fnd a worthy goal

2. Work hard to achieve it

3. Be a good person

The story goes that the key to achieving massive success is to do this more, the harder you work and the better person you are, the more you will achieve. These are all worthy endeavours, however your success is not dependent on how hard you work or on how good a person you are, your success is measured by how many lives you impact. How many peoples lives you touch and add value to. In other words your compensation is directly proportional to the amount of lives you impact.

As a free gift to you, I have included a link to a free ebook that will show you how to create a six figure income AND keep it. You can share this link with as many people as you like. Help spread the word that it is possible to finally live the life that you have always dreamed of. Enjoy the Book and be blessed

This article was published on 30.05.2016 by Godfrey Smith
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