I'm Looking For CBD Opportunities
Hey there MLM Gateway Superstars!
My name is Davie Watkins and I am on a quest to find the best CBD Social Marketing company out there. I have posted a six-question survey that is very generic and it's 100% anonymous. I am asking for as much help on my exploration as possible. Here's the link to my market research questions (I even bought a frickin’ cool domain!)
I have used multiple CBD brands over the last 30 months. Most were fantastic, some were lackluster and some just plain didn’t work. I have never marketed CBD but I really want to now! I’ve read in multiple publications that the industry is going to grow 2500% by 2025 (that’s 25 times bigger than it is today!) I am researching the market now and trying to learn all I can so I can make the wisest decisions.
I’ve been taking CBD products for 2.5 years and it’s been nothing short of AMAZING. The reason I started using CBD was to help me alleviate my extreme neuropathy pain. It was excruciating and it felt like torturous electric shocks running down my arms, both sides of my ribcage and especially in my legs and feet. I didn’t want to go to the doctor because I knew that he would only prescribe some synthetic medicine that would only mask the symptoms but never cure the real problem.
I had seen friends posting on facebook about the tremendous results they were getting from using CBD. The stories were absolutely incredible. People who hadn’t slept all the way through a night for years were now boasting of sleeping peacefully every night and waking up super-refreshed!
Two of my friends suffered from acute anxiety and could barely function in public. They were touting CBD as totally giving them their lives back!
We’ve all see the videos on youtube were a person is having a seizure and someone applies some CBD inside their mouth and the person stops seizing practically instantly! These are the videos that finally convinced me to go online and google CBD. Those search engine results changed my life forever!!!
Now I want to get into this phenomenal market and claim my piece of the pie! Can you please take 30 short seconds and answer my 6-question survey? I would be extremely grateful to you!
I really hope you will help out. Here’s that link again to the 100% anonymous survey:
p.s. I would ask that you do not contact me to get me in your “Thang” unless you’ve already completed my survey.
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