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The other week, I got an email from one of the subscribers on the blog. A guy called Jay reached out in what can only be described as the perfect example of -- "wantrepreneurship".
Allow me to explain: "Wantrepreneurship" is when you only want the good parts of being an entrepreneur without the bad parts. The Yin without the Yang, so to speak.
So you want the amazing business that makes a ton of money and impacts lives WITHOUT any of the risks -- and you want a guarantee it'll work so you can blame someone else when things go wrong.
So when things don't work out you can go back to the mall with the receipt and blame someone else for your failures. I seriously chuckled!
This is the main reason why most people never achieve anything worthwhile online. They have an opportunistic mindset that makes it impossible to stay the course and work through tough obstacles. The very premise of entrepreneurship is one of risk. Of going up against the unknown and adapting to market conditions. There's no such thing as a guarantee.
Yes, the tools and tech we have available now have made it easier than ever before but starting a business is still hard. No course or program can guarantee results for you -- and anyone that says they do is probably trying to sell you a hot, steaming pile of garbage. I wish there was a solution in pill form but unfortunately they haven't invented it yet.
The moral of the story:
Nothing in life is all sunshine and rainbows -- everything has pros and cons. The grass ALWAYS seems greener on the other side, until you actually get there and start scratching your head. Anything worthwhile in life takes work. And big things don't just happen overnight -- they are the result of small, consistent steps taken every day.