Invest in your health and the rest will follow
Hi to everyone reading my announcement/post. I like to introduce myself. I am a 48 year old woman, who has been doing a online home based business for about three years. This global opportunity has got me excited because the products are about 90% or more based on natural herbs and ingredients. The detox tea for instant consist of 9 herbs which are all carefully chosen for their healing powers. And so are all the other products, like the coffee, energy drink, skin care and oils and so on. Testimonies of real people having great inner and outer healing results are amazing. The beauty of it all is that because of the results most of them become distributors themselves, to help others get healthy. Want to know more about our products you can contact me.
This is what Total Life Changes does to people. With the products, we help people and families to have a healthy lifestyle and whenever they would like to earn ass well while getting or staying healthy, there is the possibility to join the team and enjoy the benefits of the great compensation plan. In our compensation plan there are 5 ways of earning a commission.
When you become a distributor you get your own website and back office. As an active distributor you can start earning two ways. One is by promoting the products and build up customers. With every sale to customers you get 50% commission. The other is by building up a team and start earning team commission. To build up a team you only need two (2) people. Commissions are paid weekly.
Now as I said before this opportunity got me all exited and you can see why. And no, it is not so much because of the earnings as it is about the products. I use the products and see the effects of it on me daily. The detox tea for instance helps me to reduced fat and helped me with the "hot flashes" I started to get on my menopause (yes, I already there and it is just the human cycle of life. LOL).
That is why I am on a mission let as many people as possible know about these products and to help others get on a healthy lifestyle and get healthy with our products. It would be great if, alongside helping people getting healthy, I also can help them to improve their financial situation, when they want to make use of the opportunity and join my team.
Either way, I say: Improve your health and the rest will follow.
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