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$500 Qualifying Bonus

I am confident in this business opportunity that I am willing to pay qualifying candidates a $500 bonus. 

In order to qualify you must Join as a distributor and sponsor 5 distributors yourself. In addition you must have 20 additional people sign up as preferred customers. All members must be in good standing and they have to be making purchases. This is because we do not want anyone signing up fake accounts to qualify. 

If you are willing to learn how to build the business then this is for you. If you are looking to put in the effort now to be able to lay back in a few years while your downline continues to grow, then this is for you. Feel free to contact me with questions. Im happy to help anyone who is willing to help themselves by listening and implementing.

Do you have a mentor?

Are you seeing results? 

What are your dreams, goals, & desires? 

What amount of money coming in effortlessly month after month would make you so happy that you could live comfortably how you envision for the rest of your life?

I genuinely want to see you succeed. Which is why I ask these questions. 

I cannot Help you if you are not willing to help yourself. You must invest in yourself. That means taking the time to read something that could help you, learning something that might be of use to you, getting on a call with me to get started fast, etc...If you are not willing to help yourself, then this might not be for you. Are you willing to help yourself?

If this is for you, lets talk more. Contact me and let me know the answers to all 10 of the questions that are throughout this Posting. 

The ideal candidates will have the following:

1. Never Give up personality

2. Enthusiastic 

3. A desire to learn and grow

4. Preferably people who want to make $10,000+ per month but ideally would like to make $100,000+ per month. 


p.s. I am committed to my team/mastermind and look forward to your success :-)

I am available by email and phone to talk practically anytime. I want to see you succeed, grow, and prosper. 

Success Is Only A Decision Away. Have you Decided?

This article was published on 28.01.2019 by Chip Hambas
Author's business opportunity:

Youngevity - Nutrition, Health, 25 USD to join

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