$10 Dollars (or) $10,000 Dollars. Least Powerful Income - $10 to $15 an hour on average (with competition) Today's broken opportunity - paying BROKE or POOR INCOME.
THINK DIFFERENT. Most Powerful Income - $10,000 each month or more (without competition) Today's career opportunity - paying CAREER INCOME.
WITHOUT COMPETITION. Even $10,000 each month is a small paycheck.
SOLVE YOUR MONEY PROBLEMS, with the most powerful income (without competition) at the work place, at: http://HighIncomeMoney.Com
Keep living off 100% of your own efforts and have the same income in 12 months.
100% Effort - With Competition - Expecting, A Lifestyle with Debt. Today most every household wakes up to their alarm clock to drive to and from work in rush hour traffic to make $10 to $15 an hour on average. Many are sitting or standing on their feet for 8 hours or more for 5 days each week. This is causing loss of good health.
What will your raise be for all that hard work this year, $__________ dollars ? (fill in blank). You (make your decision) to have more time at work to get paid and (spend your customer dollars for FREE)
(or) When you figure out there is a better way than spending 40 hours a week at the work place.
1% Effort - Without Competition - Expecting, A Lifestyle without Debt. Changing the way people make their money,
Everyone gets paid back, all the way to day one for each paycheck, without waking up to the alarm clock to drive to and from work in rush hour traffic. All new work is adding more income to the next paycheck without sitting or standing on your feet for 8 hours or more for 5 days each week.
What will your raise be this year, with your customer dollars, making you unlimited income, $__________ dollars ? (fill in blank). You (make the decision) to spend more customer dollars at work to get paid and (have more time for FREE)
"MONEY IS EASY TO MAKE - Remember, just customer dollars working for you instead of against you - YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT"
You must want your customer dollars more to work for you, not wages at work. A few customer dollars a day is better than working 40 hours each week, that is 2,080 hours of work a year you can have free to do with what you please. Family time, friends, hobbies, finally enjoy life the way it was meant to be enjoyed. FAVORITE PRODUCT ! My favorite products, to buy, at: with my customer dollars working for me instead of against me. You want your customer dollars working for you.
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