Igenius Business Opportunity
Hi , my name is Ramon I’m aspiring entrepreneur who is looking to achieve high success just like anyone else.. I’m currently 22 and looking to partner up with new members or professionals in the networking marketing industry.. are you looking for a new opportunity? Not currently happy where you’re at now In your profession? I have something for you .. join me and let’s do business with Igenius.. currently newly launched with 90 days in.. this is my second company I am with.. and if you may ask why? The OPPORTUNITY.. coming in was at such a great opportunity I couldn’t deny.. lead by the top entrepreneur at 25.. Anthony Napolitano.. tiring of living pay check to pay check .. wanna earn live and be free.. this your opportunity! Better yet with high experience you’re in a great position.. looking for anyone who is interested in joining me and wanting to become a full time entrepreneur.. building your business to the top.. feel free to contact me at 760 498 4933.. for any questions or serious inquiries .. can’t wait to meet you! and yes you can own a part of the company’s stock as well! Awesome.. right? Can’t wait to hear from ya.
Personal story: I’m just a regular guy like anyone else who went through high school.. day by day enjoying life wanting to make something out of myself.. never saw school as such a great thing for me as I struggled.. I found that I was better as a speaker.. at speaking .. presenting things.. I went through college and that as well I just couldn’t really do.. close to obtaining my AA I haven’t gaven up yet.. covid has really taken the winds out of everyone including me.. losing my job right before the pandemic .. yes it made me frustrated because I felt I didn’t deserve it.. but you know what.. I made something out of it .. I’ve always had that mindset of wanting to create a business wanting to have my schedule and be free.. so I said why do I even wanna work at another job again .. my previous job had let me down it made me even worst I was let down .. my emotions were drained.. well then I found network marketing where I can have everything I wanted and much more.. I’m never working a 9-5 job again and never having to work for someone again or even getting laid off by somebody because they feel they don’t need another number .. through all of it is when how I mentioned found network marketing and now apart of Igenius .. want you to join me and live free not worrying of another paycheck.. this was just something for the person reading this to know a little bit of my backstory.. I can say now I’ve made it out of those dark places and found where I wanna be.. fully in the network marketing industry .. join me!No comments yet