Build a team of on line shoppers
Build a team of on line shoppers. To be involved, it's only a one-of registration of £35. To stay in, you must be Active at least once every ninety days. To be active you must order at least 100 points of shopping, which cost about £165 or more. This can be done weekly but must add up to 100 points per calender month. Order over 50 are delivered free to your door within 3 to 6 working days.
To see the full presentation go to my website at and watch the videos. If you like what you see, fill in the form with your details and send me a text or give me a call. My mobile number is on my website and I will get all your questions answered as soon as possible, if not immediately. To see alive presentation, you can attend one of our regular opportunity get together, in Birmingham, at The Venue, 100 Icknield Port Road, B16 0AA, every Thursday at 7.30 pm. Give me a ring before and when you arrive so that I can save you a seat and welcome you at the door.
At these meetings, you'll be able to get a bigger picture of the business, get to meet other successful people from all walks of life. You will also have to chance to see the presentation again from someone else's point of view and also make some new friends.
If your contact lives too far way, there are other ways to present the business to them. Firstly, online by sending a video link, webinar or using a screen sharing software such as Zoom or Skype. Secondly, send them to a local meeting in their area. Finally, meet them half-way then do a one on one or even a many to one, which would make better use of your time, getting them off to a faster start, assuming that they are all interested.
Once they have seen the presentation, as many times as required for the concept to be fully understood, it's time to answer all their question and objections. The last stage is to ask them to fill out the application form, closing the deal.
Now that they are in, it is time to train them in the basics. We need to establish WHY they joined and what their goals are. This is useful to know so that we have something to remind and motivation, if or when they require motivating.
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