The Startup Video Press Release Builder
We need to talk about your elevator pitch.
We are all pitching from a moment we was born.
We are pitching our parents, our siblings, our friends, our teachers, our employers, our colleagues, vendors, customers…boyfriends, girlfriends, politicians, electorate…etc.
We are doing it to satisfy any of our specific needs and expecting results as soon as possible.
Elevator pitch is extremely important instrument when we are trying to win new customers or investors.
And now I am pitching you.
My name is Mark Aretskin. I am an Engineer – founder of Perfect Invention, LLC.
For several years I attend startup pitch competitions and observe how and what businesses pitching,
how the Jury – their intended audience reacted, and how it accepted by public.
All participants prepared in advance, prepared sometimes very elaborate presentations, and memorized their pitches.
Some not delivered it because they became overtaken by language barrier, forgetfulness or stage fright.
I participated I some mockup pitch competition and failed for all of this reasons.
I was not prepared enough.
In March 2016 I was given a chance to initiate a project to help one person to start a business in her field.
In a process I learn tremendous needs of newly registered small businesses of any kind in developing coherent compelling pitches. This was the beginning of this project.
Introducing “The Startup Video Press Release Builder”.
The Startup Video Press Release Builder is a Software as a Service currently available on
This software help you in less than 10 minutes create an article about your company, video business card, an audio file suitable for advertising on a radio or a podcast and more.
Coincidently the same day, when I placed this product on, the famous inventor of infomercials and original Shark of SharkTank Mr. Kevin Harrington introduces his “The Perfect Pitch” course there.
Well. I was not disappointed. It only emphasizes market needs of such courses and instruments.
“The Startup Video Press Release Builder” is not competing but rather complimentary product for one introduced by Mr. Harington.
Affiliate positions available on @ 50% commission.
Reseller Instruction:To take an advantage of this business opportunity and be paid for the selling access
to our SaaS you need to take these simple steps:
1. Register on as a reseller.
2. Find “The Startup Video Press Release Builder” in the database.
(It is not yet listed in open marketplace.)
3 As a result you will get a link to a sale page with your affiliate number.
4. Create shorten link to your resale link using
5. You will need to create a QR code using this site as an example.
6. Edit and personalize the back side of our resale card and print your cards for yourself.
This is a link to the card template. The front (with the video) and the back (with the price).
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