I am in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
I would simply like to share my experiences with you and suggest your trying the product which has allowed me to achieve this cancer free status.
Okay - far be it for me to try & suggest that anyone do anything - I can only tell you what I know to be true.
In 2005 I had a breast cancer scare (I was 53)- 2 operations (right breast & under right arm). That was about August & I underwent maybe 8 weeks of daily radiation. I was exhausted, had no energy & fortunately was not working at the time - I think I was driving my bloke to & from work as he had license issues. My Mum passed away at the age of 57 (when I was only 17) after having both breasts removed & massive radiation treatments so I have always been careful to have regular breast screens.
In December, 2005 a girlfriend from the Gold Coast rang me & asked me to call down & see her. She introduced me to Xooma X20 sachets. They are a tea bag size sachet which you simply drop into your daily drinking water. I had been a big water drinker for many years so for me this was easy. That was on a Monday I think I started using them. I went to lunch with some girlfriends in Brisbane on the following Sunday - by then I had felt a shift in my energy levels. I had my ooomph back!! Even these days I still try to drink 1 to 2 litres of water daily. I won't even go down to the corner store without my water bottle - lol!
Once I went back to full time work I ceased to market Xooma globally so I lost touch with many folks. I started working for my youngest sons construction company in February 2007 & when that happened I was time poor as I was working 50 to 60 hours per week plus work from home. I doubt I would have had the energy to do this if I had not continued to use the x2o sachets in my daily drinking water.So from December, 2005 until at least July 2017 I used the x2o sachets in my daily drinking water. In April 2017 I retired & have continued to use the sachets. I was on opiates for a pinched nerve in my lower left back. Since knocked them off as they were highly addictive.
I asked Xooma recently if they had any information they could provide re folks who have suffered with cancer issues & this is what they said below:
"Thank you for your request. As you know, there are no studies on X2O with any disease/illness conditions as we are not allowed to make those types of claims with a dietary supplement.
That said, the overall health benefits that the human body gains from being properly hydrated, receiving an adequate supply of minerals & electrolytes and reducing acidic conditions (through alkaline water) on a daily basis are powerful.
X2O helps provide some of the most basic elements the body needs for maintaining good health…no matter what negative health conditions a person is facing. So, the best recommendation you can give to those people is to try the product and see what it does for them. There’s certainly no harm or risk in trying it…so why not test it for themselves for at least 30 days and see what type of difference it makes for them".
From my point of view, the x2o sachets will make your body less acidic & more alkaline - which means you are less prone to sickness and disease. The x2o sachets will detoxify your body. Your health being what it is I have no idea how much things could change for you - but I sincerely believe that if nothing else, your quality of life may improve. When I found out my brother had cancer in August 2016 I tried to get him to start using the x2o sachets but Peter was extremely stubborn & arrogant & he took no notice simply refusing to believe that anything could help him. He died a horrible death in March, 2017.
I still have my own Xooma website & you can order from same if you wish (or not) - it is: www.xoomaworldwide.com/optimumwater
If you have any questions I am only an email away or you can message me on Facebook.
I might simply suggest you try the sachets for one month & also order one of the Xooma green water bottles as they are made from bullet proof material & will not break. You may notice some signs of detoxification initially but that will pass very quickly. Xooma over the years have increased their product range dramatically but none of their other products have particularly jumped out at me.
Almost forgot, the ingredients for the x2o sachets are harvested off the ocean shores of Okinawa in Japan. To my knowledge some of the OLDEST people in the world live in this area - not uncommon for folks who live here to be in their 90's & still going strong.
(cost wise 30 days supply is about US$35.95 which makes the sachets about $1.10 per - way less than a cafe cappuccino)
I truly believe that the Xooma X2o sachets have allowed me to be cancer free and possibly saved my life!! As both my Mum and brother passed from cancer, I believe I do have the cancer gene - but I DO NOT HAVE CANCER ANYMORE!
Trisha Rogasch
e: trisharogasch@outlook.com
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