Success Stories About How We Help People Convert Debts To Wealth
The tool we are using to help debtors build wealth from the interest of their debts is called Financial GPS, a web-based program developed with the consumers in mind to benefit them.
How did we came up to this idea? The 2 co-founders, when they were kids, they had experienced first hand the financial stress their respective families have gone through when the cars and houses were repossessed by banks. So They grew up with the idea to do something better for American consumers. Listen to them here:
Hear Some Stories Now
1) My sponsor in this business had been using the program since 2007 and it took him only 3 years to pay off his 28 years mortgage. He then went on to get a second house in 2010, which he paid off in 7 years. Hello !! are you reading what I say? From 2007 to 2017 he used the program and paid off 2 houses just in 10 years period, and had saved over $500,000 on interest for these 2 houses. Is there anything better than that somewhere? And He did not stop there as since 2018 he had gone on with the third house, enjoying real financial freedom with a lot of passive income.
2) My first client, when we run his free financial analysis, we showed him that he will be loosing $1488 per month if he does not sign up with our debt elimination program. Without wasting time, he signed up with our program and paid his 29.7-year mortgage in just 10.8 years. When you do the math, it shows that he saved 18.9 years of mortgage repayments, and the saved interest was $193,491. He did all that without changing neither his income nor monthly minimum payment. Think of it, what can't he do with these $193,491 sitting their in his bank account?
3) My last client signed up with the program on October 09, 2020 after the free financial analysis showed him that he will be loosing per month $1392.33 if he continues to do what he is currently doing without taking our program. Not only that it will take him 50 years to pay off all his three debts: mortgage, student loan, and credit card, while our program shows him that he will pay them off all in 7.3 years and still have a saved interest of $134,565.64 sitting in his bank account. And it did not end there as he will be saving 42.8 years of payments. Where can some expect something better than this?
To hear about more testimonials visit my website link here and scroll down until the last videos
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Best Regards
Faya Missouga
240 899 2340