My name is Stella, am all about networking utilizing great opportunities If you have ever told yourself in your mlm company, I wish I was among the first that joined our company. This is for you!! For the first time in Nigeria, you can build and own a sports media and publicity business that pays you 5 to 7 digits income every week through Sports eTrader affiliation program. Sports eTrader was officially launched in Nigeria on 22nd November, 2019. Therefore, we are privileged to be among the first persons in Nigeria with access to the opportunity. Sports eTrader Affiliate Program is taking the Naira that comes in from weekly bet takeouts and in a fair way dividing that up according to the size of your Affiliate Business.
Sign up free here https://sportsetrader.com/register?referralCode=u9t2EqEBiK
A brief cap of how it works: An Affiliate has an affiliate link, all the bettors/affiliates that signed up with your affiliate link are your business. All the bets they place in a week from Monday to Sunday, you have 2% to 3% of the total amount as Trade Volume Bonus TVB whether you win or lose your bets. When the bettors under you become affiliate you earn 750 Naira to 1,150 Naira from each as Affiliate Referral Bonus ARB. You also earn Affiliate Performance Bonus APB of 5% to 10% of all your Affiliates TVB. All your affiliate bonuses for the week are calculated and paid every Wednesday direct to your bank account whether your bettors and affiliates win or lose their bets. While your bet winnings go to your ewallet which you can withdraw to your bank account anytime provided it's up to 5,000 Naira.
Signing up is free just like every betting site you know. Put your valid email address and click on get started to register. Your password will be sent to your email address. Login to your back office with your username and password. To become an Affiliate, add money to your ewallet (minimum of 2,500 Naira) using any of the payment options "bank or card". Click on your dashboard then on affiliate icon, click on "Join Now". A page comes up read up on affiliate program and click on "continue ". Congratulations you are Sports eTrader Affiliate. Copy your affiliate link and start building your affiliate business.
For details on the compensation plan and to be updates on conferences and trainings chat me on Whatsapp +2348031928558. NOTE: it's for Nigeria for now, from my source the company has intention of extending to USA and Europe next year. If you are not a Nigerian be warming up, Sports eTrader is coming your way very soon.
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