Why Video Marketing Works In MLM
Have you ever considered using videos to promote your business?
Truth is, videos convert more leads, sales and signups than any other form of advertising next to webinars (which is a video itself but live).
So if you know it is the most powerful strategy available today, why not use it in your own business?
Many, if not all top earners have their own Youtube channel. That's really enough said.
One leader in particular "Mark Harbert" turned to using video after realizing he had only $7 to his name, and his wife was telling them they needed to eat.
Quickly he got over his fear of being on camera, and begin shooting video after video. Posting to Youtube, he soon thereafter began getting upwards of 100 leads a day, signups, and went on to his first $10,000 month soon after.
If you have tried using video, or Youtube, and it seems no one is watching your videos, there is a reason.
Reason is, because you may not be making the right videos, the ones that people actually will want to watch. For instance, creating a video with a title of "The Wonderful Opportunity Of XYZ Company" will not get many views at all. How many times do you stop to see another great opportunity while working on your own? You don't.
Second reason, is because you aren't using on-page and off-page optimization. This is the strategy that tells the Youtube search engine what your video is, and gives it a more likely chance of popping up when people search Youtube for a video like yours. If you learn to get your video ranked #1 on a Youtube search, that video will produce leads daily.
Third reason, is because creating the video is only the first step. Most people will make the video, load it to Youtube, and forget it. This just leaves it like a bottle of wine collecting dust.
You need to promote this video by loading it to as many other websites as possible. Getting more views to the video will increase it's ranking, and help it reach the top of the search engines on Youtube, and in Google search engines (now you have power)
You need to learn value first. This is where you make a video that actually is something people are looking for. It is easier to get a signup by teaching someone how to do something, than exciting them with another opportunity.
Optimization both on and off page, is important. This is step 2.
Then promoting the video becomes a strategy afterwards.
You can review this video "Tube Traffic Mojo" created by Mark Harbert (video expert) that will teach you how to be an expert with video marketing, quickly.
Many top earners have used this same course to become top earners using video marketing. They learned it from Mark, just like you can too now.
GRAB A COPY of "Tube Traffic Mojo" today, and see for yourself how video marketing can change your business fast, and put you in the place you have wanted to be since the beginning.
Me personally, I have used video marketing in a much smaller portion compared to some top earners, and I still get leads everyday, commissions, and signups from the videos. So yes, I do indeed plan to put more and more videos out, and continue increasing those numbers.
Get your copy of "Tube Traffic Mojo" today BY WATCHING THIS VIDEO and put video marketing into place with your MLM business.
In "Tube Traffic Mojo" you will learn all the valuable skills to creating videos, ranking videos, and the best way to promote videos.
Everything you need for video marketing can be found is this #1 video marketing training.
If you think you are too afraid to get on camera, and not ready for video marketing, Mark explains how you can use other types of videos that will not need you to be on camera.
Learn all the ways to make videos, and your fear of camera will go away. Talking heads videos are the most highest converting, because they actually put the viewer in a spot where they can see you, hear you, and get to know your personality. This really helps your prospects get to like you more, even with you unaware they know you.
P.S Just for the record. If you are thinking your first few videos may not be so great, then you are right. More than likely your first videos will not be that great, which is fine. Those are also the videos that will be getting the fewest views as well, since you learn as you go. Get "Tube Traffic Mojo" today, and tomorrow your video marketing skills will be much greater than 99% of the people who are competing with you on Youtube!
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