That was the email heading I received from a great friend after I took a leap of faith and joined this phenomenal company. You see, after working 8 to 6 (not 9 to 5) for thirty years and being in the direct sales industry for almost twenty years, I never found one opportunity that I could truly call “home.” I had listened to countless product and business overviews and could almost predict what the presenter was going to say next like I was reciting a great musical lyric.
I have been consuming and using these products in my home for over fifteen years, but it wasn't until recently when I opened my eyes the opportunity I had in front of me. Back then it was not the right time nor the right place...but now...NOW, is the right time and I am in the right place and I am so glad I have the chance to share with you ways to look better, feel better and live better.
Our home shopping club has been around since 1985 and has over 400 superior health and wellness products. For those who desire, there is also a business opportunity that could transform lives both physically and financially. Our mission is to "enhance the lives of those we touch by helping people reach their goals."
To receive a special overview invitation, please text your name and email to 720.295.5497. I look forward to talking with you real soon.
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