Fear of Financial Success!
If you've grown up with one or all of these word tracks, you're not alone:-
- Money is the root of all evil
- Rich people are greedy/selfish
- I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and sad
- Money can't buy happiness
I've spent many an hour over the years looking at various areas of my life where I have allowed these concepts to take hold, and on the subject of money, I find that I certainly am not the only one with these limiting beliefs.
My background is in health, beauty and healing. This was an area where I certainly adopted my limiting beliefs. I was fearful of asking for money. I often felt it was my responsibility to help my clients, even if they couldn't afford my fees. In structuring my price list I held myself back because I thought that if I had a calling to heal, I couldn't ask too much for the service. The result was that most months I didn't take any money home and I struggled to pay all my bills. Working 50+ hours a week and can't pay the rent - now that's what I call unhappiness!
It took me many years to come to terms with the need to put a true value on my time; to appreciate that I had spent thousands on training and upskilling, and that I deserved financial reward.
When I went looking for an alternative way of working and a means of earning really good money, and found my place in the online personal development arena, I was again confronted with this subject of money. Again, I was thinking, how can I be professing to help others but also "chasing a dollar"? It had become almost a spiritual dilemma.
I believe I've now conquered that silly notion, but want to share with you some words I read recently that puts it in perspective beautifully. Unfortunately I didn't record the author's name...
"It is possible to be true to your passions, live a life of consequence, and still use business as a medium of expression".
My name is Zsuzsa. I work online, from home, and I would like to help you create financial and time freedom. Check out my website and fill in your details if you'd like to know more. I always call applicants and have a short chat to see if this might be the right fit for you.
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