The New Beginning Idea
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Braysheet Life Coaching Systems is an organic concept – designed with painstaking effort and precision – intended to help ordinary people maximize their ability to make a contribution towards the development of a new world of peace and happiness for all – a literal paradise on earth.
We refer to this as an “Edenic World”, that is, a world like the “garden of Eden”. Therefore we have chosen the name “Braysheet” for the system that will facilitate the creation of leadership for such a world – Braysheet, a Hebrew word translated by scholars as genesis or beginning.
Braysheet Life coaching systems is the brainchild of master life coach Dahveed Nelson. The elegantly formulated method is the culmination of fifty (50) years of thoughtful experimentation – including at least twelve years of study and research in the academic institutions of higher education.
Seven Keys To Life
1.Master Spirituality
2.Master Energy
3.Master Breath(air)
4.Master Water
5.Master Nutrients
6.Master Cleanliness
7.Master Discipline
To begin our explanation of Braysheet Life Coaching Systems, we consider an important concept and we focus upon two of the seven principles listed above.
Mastering Spirituality
Master Spirituality
Master Discipline
To Master Spirituality is the first key to life, and it requires discipline. Mastering spirituality takes us to Braysheet; a new Beginning and cycles of creativity.
The sperm meets the egg is an example of a new Beginning, and that moment brings forth spiritual information called DNA.
3 Definitions Of SpiritualityBy Ben Ammi
Three components related to truth (Def. A
3. Do
Three components related to the truth (Def. B ):
Comparison Of Definition A and B
Hear Discern Do
Ingest Digest Manifest
When the three components are compared, we see that they match and reinforce one another.
This is just an example of what you will receive in the $10,000 of the life coaching program there are lots more, email me in the subject box write I want in don't miss incredible offer.
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