Great, I must arouse your curiosity, it's the game ...
As stated, I make you by a message, nothing else, but what about it?
I mainly wanted to spark your interest you who live 100% in a "connected" society.
You will never be free because the day is made of 24 hours, except ...
In this post, I will try to explain to you why some marketing network professionals get the total financial freedom virtually impossible to achieve in traditional work.
There is a huge limit in the traditional work of 99% of the mass.
To tell you about the rent that can generate a system of nm and make you understand why it is possible to realize it, I must briefly talk to you about the big limit that have all the traditional works ...
... the weather !!
No matter what you do, and if you are good, in a traditional job, your earnings will always have a ceiling beyond which you can not go.
This ceiling is represented by the result which results in multiplying the hours worked for the profit / hour. This is exactly the limit that will never allow you to become financially free ...
Even if you earned 100 € / hour you are still obliged to do the accounts with the limit of hours worked during the day. We know ... the day is made of 24 hours �
You will say to me: "but what a speech ... This applies to all works!"
This is not true.
This speech is not valid for entrepreneurs and for a system of nm ...
Business leaders put pressure on the hours worked by their employees to multiply their company's earnings, but they suffer from what is known as business risk, which, if poorly managed, can also lead them to failure.
If you manage a nm organization, the business concept remains the same as the entrepreneurs, but you have no employees to pay at the end of the month, suppliers, rents, users and you do not have not the business risk.
Basically, you leave without capital, but you can multiply to infinity hours worked. In a nm system our daily working hours can be also thousands despite it being known that the day is made of 24 hours ...
In the nm, the hours spent transmitting a work system to a new collaborator are then infinitely rewarded because then, working for you, the collaborator also works for you.
This is the secret of the network ...
You make your time available and transfer your know-how to the new member, then you are rewarded with a small percentage on his results. It's like a franchise.
As is the case in entrepreneurship, in an nm system, it is the extraordinary multiplier effect of your time that makes the gains virtually unlimited.
Then CashbackWorld ( is an international and cross-sectoral buying community that allows members to receive free, no-obligation benefits every time they make a purchase from a Cashback Shop (corporate). partner). What are the buying benefits? Up to 5% Cashback on the total amount of the purchase as well as Shopping Points that can be used as part of Cashback Shops' Shopping Point Deals.
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While waiting to read you, I wish you a nice day.
Mirko Formaggini.
Prospecting Manager My World Group
Email :
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Cashback World is an international and cross-sector shopping community that allows members to receive free and non-binding benefits every time they make a purchase from a Cashback Shop (partner company).
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We provide a free loyalty card that will make you have money back on all your purchases with partner companies, it's that simple.
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While waiting to read you, I wish you a nice day.
Mirko Formaggini.
Prospecting Manager My World Group
YouTube chanel :
Email :
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