What's In It For Me?
I joined my first MLM / Network Marketing Opportunity in 1984 fresh out of High School. Back then, I was wide-eyed bushy-tailed and full of "I'm gonna conquer the world" zeal. So inspired, I ran to all my family and friends to tell them about this new way to make money with the expectation that they were gonna join ME and make ME rich!
The first person I went to was my friend Ernie. He had a part-time job at McDonald's at that time (I think). Surely Ernie would see the value in what I had to offer; he was making money already and could appreciate making more of it. So, I managed to get him to sit down long enough for me to go into my spiel.
I went on for at least 20 minutes on how great the soap was (which I demonstrated with shoe polish and a handkerchief in a Dixie cup full of water) just like my "Sponsor" did for me. I told him about the founders and how much money the top earners were making (that took another 20 plus minutes of braggadocios bliss). I went on about the weekly meetings he was obligated to attend so he could learn the "business."
An hour and 18 minutes later...when I finally ran out of breath...my friend had one simple question: "What's In It For Me?" What? I went through that whole drawn out presentation and all he could think about was HIM! "The absolute nerve of this guy" I thought, as utter disgust pulsated through my brain. I never once thought about what he could get out of it. It wasn't supposed to be about him, it was supposed to be about ME! He was supposed to be under me and get people under him and they would be under me too. It was supposed to be my EMPIRE!
Well....I couldn't answer that question for Ernie that day. Needless to say he wasn't interested and because I couldn't adequately answer that question for everyone else in my "warm market" I eventually quit! All the air hissssssss'd out of my dreams and I accepted the notion that maybe MLM / Network Marketing wasn't for me. Maybe it was a scam or worst illllllleeeeegaaallllll.
Fast forward to 1994; 10yrs later. I was fresh out of the military looking to conquer the civilian world when suddenly I was faced with another "business opportunity" in MLM / Network Marketing. Something was different. I knew it wasn't a scam or illegal having seen credible examples of bonafide results.
This time I saw how the best in the business; those who earned above average money treated everyone they "sponsored" as if they were the only people on the planet. It was as if they took people by the hand and led them to the promise land. Instead of bragging about their houses, cars, opulence and lifestyles...they were humble and nurturing and genuine and caring.
That example changed my life. I got going in the business. Six months later I became one of that companies top earners. I finally figured out how to answer the question: "What's in it for me.