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12 Steps on How To Build Instant Rapport, Trust and Credibility w/Prospects

WE ARE IN A PEOPLE BUSINESS FOLKS! LEARN YOUR CRAFT!!! Stop chasing after Leads, and have Leads begin to chase you!  Think like a Business person and not a glorified Sales person for your business.  Fortune 500 businesses don't chase Leads, they attract Leads.  You have to learn the proper strategies!  And, there are many strategies to learn.  You can begin NOW with this article

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In this training you will learn:

~ How to create immediate rapport and curiosity with new connections so they HAVE to ask you what you do.

~ How to create such a strong bond with your prospects they become LIFELONG customers and/or business partners.

~How to be able to influence or persuade those you talk to, to buy your stuff or join your business.

Rapport, Trust and Credibility

Marketing is a relationship business

Make as many relationships and connection as you can

~ think of each relationship as a seed you are planting

Today I am going to show you how you can create a much DEEPER relationship or BOND with your prospects

When you understand how the human brain works you become a much better communicator and a much more effective marketer

You have to be a master at small talk.  BUT when you know how to get into someone's head, you will make A LOT more sales and recruit A LOT more people into your business.

So fill your relationship pipeline!

5-10 new friends a day

Send a PERSONAL message

Take the time to check their timeline and learn about them

Find something in common, or make a comment on something interesting on their timeline.

BUT BE GENUINE!!! Don't use pick up lines! This first connection is CRUCIAL! It will set the tone for your entire relationship with this person.

ALWAYS ask a question to keep the conversation going.  Ask them about themselves, people LOVE to talk about themselves.

Share yourself!  This build reliability and rapport fast! They MUST feel they can relate to you if they are ever going to consider doing business with you.

Add subheading.  When you make them feel that you understand them, where they are at, you start to build MAJOR rapport, connection and a BOND.  And when you form a BOND with a prospect you have MUCH more influence with them.  And will be able to persuade, enchant or seduce them to take the action you want ie. buy your products or join your business!

Marketing is a Psychological Strategy

Sales is the transfer of emotions. When you can get them to FEEL something and you are able to influence WHAT they feel you are 10 times closer to a yes. The secret sauce! When you reach them emotionally this is where you create that BOND that turns you prospect into a LIFELONG customer or biz partner.

And here is how! The 12 undeniable human needs.  We all have them!

When you address your prospects needs and fulfill them you are speaking directly to their unconscious and it is the unconscious that makes all the buying decisions.

Sales are based on emotion.  Think of a Ferrari! Their needs!

1. Ease their pain

Humans will do more to avoid pain than to seek pleasure. So find their pain and present the solution (your products or biz opp).

Know your target markets pain and frame your offer around it.

Share YOUR pain. Just don't leave them in pain.

2. Encourage their Dreams.

Project them into their future with the BENEFITS of your products or biz opp. When you can anchor you or your offer to their dreams.........

3. Validate their thoughts, feelings and concerns.

People have a very deep need to feel right and understood.

The fastest way to push someone away is to tell them they are wrong without validating something. For instance, Pyramid? Don't say:  "No, you're wrong".  Instead say: "You are right to be careful.  There is so much crap online".

4. Engage and capture their attention.

Humans have a very short attention span. Suggestion: Make the conversation about them and NOT you.

Open loops. Ask intriguing questions that make them think.  Be entertaining, make jokes Mirroring and mimicking.

5. Make them feel loved.

Paint a story for them. Vacation with the kids!

6. Make them feel needed or Significant

Makes them feel needed and that they matter to the world.  Make them feel they have value.  They may not get that in their life, if you can fulfill this need..... you are winning!

7. Sense of Hope

Powerful and easy EVERYONE needs to feel hope.  If you can be someone's beacon of hope.... You can help change a life!  Believe in what you promote!  You do this by understanding their pain and offering your solution.  And if you don't have a solution for their pain, hook up with someone who does!

8. Makes them feel like they are contributing/leaving a legacy.

Charity! Be able to leave money for their kids and grandchildren.

9. Tell them secrets

Everyone loves secrets

10. Give them a sense of power

People NEED to feel a sense of power and control in their lives.  Just let them know the choice to buy or join is 100% up to them. Remind them that THEY have the power to create their future.

11. Offer a scapegoat

Never let a prospect feel something is their fault.  Be nice!

12. Calm their fears and doubts

Objections are often doubts. Can I do this?  This seems like a lot to have to think about when having a conversation right?  Your prospect will buy from or join the person who has fulfilled these needs for them.  If you use this, I hope to GOD you truly believe and stand behind what you promote. 

Trying to get rich quick is a failed strategy.  Learn your craft first because this is your business. This skillset is not mastered overnight; but once you learn it, growth, wealth and prosperity is inevitably yours.  WE ARE IN A PEOPLE BUSINESS FOLKS!

If you like this type of information, join my weekly Wednesday Webinar every week where we can help you build your business:

This article was published on 14.02.2019 by Sam Melson
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