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Push Button Traffic Is A Must

If You are Looking for the Easy Button

When It Comes to QUICKLY Driving Thousands 

of Targeted Visitors to Your Website… 


This Button Will Flood any business with top traffic

When You Join Us ?

This means:

… More income.

… More confidence.

… Less stress.

… Zero Confusion.

… No rejection!

Fully Auto Pilot Business 

The life of any business is traffic  

But not just any traffic will do the job.

You See…...

We offer traffic with the means to drive in sign ups

and traffic that creates duplication to make sales

And this grows to the level of success you have been looking for

Our host company Traffic Authority offers two types of amazing compensation in their coded compensation plan called Infinite Leverage. “RESIDUAL” front-end compensation, which is your ongoing income we like to call “Mailbox Money.” This is money that comes in month after month and builds on itself over time. We also have what we like to call “BIG Ticket” back-end sales which we will explain here in just a moment. First, let’s discuss your RESIDUAL ongoing monthly commissions which come from the sale of two products called “Traffic Optimizer” and “Traffic Academy.” Both of these products are membership based. On Traffic Optimizer, you’re paid $10 a month on all active members for your first 6 personal referrals. This amount then jumps to $16 a month starting with your seventh personal referral of the Optimizer product. Then on the Traffic Academy product, you are paid $25 a month on your first 6 personal referrals which skyrockets to $40 a month from the 7th through infinity personal referrals.

Now keep in mind… your RESIDUAL compensation begins with your personal referrals, but it’s far from over! You see, as soon as those you refer start referring others… your residuals start to soar. Here is how that works. Once someone you refer sells a Traffic Optimizer package, you are paid $10 a month on their first 6 referrals which then moves to $4 per month from the seventh sale on. You also get paid from the referrals of those your system signs up for the Traffic Academy as well. For those folks, you get $25 per month for their first 6 referrals which then moves to $10 a month for each subsequent referral. What you need to realize here, is that this residual revenue has the potential to add up to some serious money rolling in to you month after month and year after year. Remember, there is no limit to the number of people who can be adding to your residual check through their automated efforts as part of the Push Button Profits System. This is the power of LEVERAGE in action for you!

Okay, so now that you know how the RESIDUAL “front-end” part of the compensation plan works, let’s get to the truly exciting part! It’s time to talk about BIG PAYDAYS AKA Big-Ticket “back-end” sales. I’m referring to the BIG money you make from the sale of traffic packages. Let me explain, you see, if you sell a BASIC traffic package, you will earn $50 on your first 6 sales which will then increase to $80 on all subsequent sales. When your system refers someone who buys the BRONZE traffic package you are paid $100 on your first 6 sales which is then increased to $160 for each referral after that. For the next traffic level called SILVER you are paid $ 150 per sale for your first 6 sales which then increases to $240 and it doesn’t stop there! Nope, far from it… you see this continues on with four other traffic packages called GOLD, PLATINUM, TITANIUM and finally DIAMOND. The HUGE Commissions you make from the personal sale of these packages looks like this: GOLD pays you $250 for your first 6 sales which then jumps to $400, PLATINUM pays you $500 for your first 6 sales and $800 on any subsequent referrals, TITANIUM pays you $1,000 for your first 6 sales which skyrockets to $1,600 for each referral after that, And then there are DIAMOND sales which pay you a shocking $2,000 on your first 6 sales and $3,200 on each sale after that! Think about that… when you’re qualified at the DIAMOND level… you can be pulling down $3,200 commissions per referral!

Now that’s what we call BIG PAYDAYS…

But keep in mind, although the income potential here is extremely powerful… IT DOESN'T STOP THERE! No, the amazing part is… again, you have the income compounding power of LEVERAGE working for you even with your BIG-TICKET traffic sales! You see, when those you have referred personally to Traffic Authority start letting others in on the traffic packages, you get paid from their efforts as well. Let’s quickly break that down. When someone you refer has someone else purchase a BASIC traffic package you get $50 from their first 6 sales and $20 on each sale after that. On a BRONZE sale from your team you get $100 on their first 6 sales and $40 on each subsequent sale. From SILVER traffic package team sales you get $150 on the first 6 and then $60 on referral 7 on. Then on GOLD team sales you get $250 on the first 6 sales then $100 for each sale thereafter. PLATINUM pays you $500 on each of your first 6 team sales and $200 for every sale after. TITANIUM pays you $1000 for each of your first 6 team sales and $400 for every sale thereafter. Then for DIAMOND team sales you get paid $2,000 for your first 6 team sales and $800 for each sale after that. How exciting is that? With this powerful compensation model, you can experience commissions rolling into you from an army of other team members working along-side you.

Now keep in mind, although traffic purchases are not monthly residual payments, the great thing about selling traffic is that as soon as someone uses it up, they may want to buy more to keep their business flourishing. This means that each traffic buyer can purchase over and over again putting BIG Commissions in your pocket like clockwork both from your personal and team referrals!

Keep in mind, you can also earn from the straight sale of traffic package even to those who do not wish to utilize the Traffic Optimizer or the Traffic Academy products. This adds yet another powerful revenue stream to your already amazing compensation plan.

NOTICE:You can only profit from the sale of products and traffic package levels you are “Qualified” at. This is why we strongly suggest that you secure your traffic package ASAP! Also, keep in mind that Traffic Authority offers you a very special STAIR-STEP BONUS that will qualify you at the next traffic level up when you make your traffic purchase within the first seven days of joining. You will see a BONUS TIMER counting down in your Push Button Profits back office. To secure your traffic package now and get qualified to earn these big-ticket commissions on all of your referrals, push the red “Traffic” button below:

Get Traffic 

All orders are processed by Traffic Authority. Your commissions are shown in your Traffic Authority Back Office - and they're paid out through the eWallet you set up when you first became a Traffic Authority Reseller. You can choose how you withdraw money from your eWallet (i.e. direct deposit, check, etc.)

Keep in mind, there is no limit to the number of personal referrals you can make or the number of other team members you can earn from. With this compensation plan the only limit to the amount you can make is how many people you’re able to get to opt in and watch our presentation. This is why it’s very important that you “push the button” and turn on your traffic flow as soon as possible. To start your traffic immediately, push the traffic button below:

This article was published on 23.11.2018 by Raymond Anderson
Author's business opportunity:

Push Buttons - Traffic,& Leads, 144 USD to join

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