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I'd like to welcome you to take a look at Rnetwork & Revcard


   I have been reaching out to tell all my networking friends about this. I just learned about an amazing company with new technology, which both saves and makes you a lot of money when people shop, eat, spend, or pay their bills, including their mortgage.

This has never been done before and I have never seen anything like this compensation plan. Timing couldn't be better because this company is in pre- launch and will be open internationally soon. There is a small window of opportunity to get positioned for only $38 USD before some big companies come in over the next couple of weeks. I am scrambling to get my friends and family positioned so they can take advantage of this huge spillover.

Message me IF you want to grab a ground level position at the top before the massive groups come in and I will get you more info.

Here is what is takes to make use of the Power of Leverage

Hey guys…GOOD MORNING!!! Be sure to say “HEY!” Ready for some…”future thinking?” (2 min read) Top Leader Post…if it makes you cringe…(meaning you’re not ready for this)…No worries…you’ll get there at some point…keep stretching your comfort zone! Learning to Leverage Your Time with Coaching/Leading Strong. What is the biggest number you can fathom making…lets say 5-8 yrs from now? Is it 20k, $50k maybe $100k a month? Question…would you be working with the same people you are now…and coaching the same way? If not…you just caught yourself lowering your value. We know when our actions aren’t aligned with the level of pay we can imagine…we can’t reach that level…does this make sense?
 Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts… Don’t…
 Don’t individually contacting reps to remind them to order.
 Don’t contact reps to remind them to be on trainings.
 Don’t contact reps…asking…are you prospecting…or going to this/that event?
 Don’t answer questions constantly from those not really taking action. Do…
 Do have a basic training checklist…or preferably a video…so everyone knows…”here is how to properly launch your first week. (This prevents you from having to say these things over and over…also your newbies who have no posture…won’t lead strong and expect coachability…its important these things are said…and taught)
 Do promote a culture of autoship in this checklist or video (even if your company doesn’t)
 In the checklist/video do explain the importance of staying plugged in to trainings, events, and conferences/conventions. Those stay plugged in…make it, those who don’t…don’t. Teach this…and post events to remind the whole inside your team Facebook group instead everyone having to badger their team. If you were a teacher…would you leave the classroom full of students and try to find a couple of students who cut class? This is like individually reminding people. See how its same?
 Do have an accountability report…know who’s doing what, how much, and how well…so you know who to work with and what they need coaching on. Data is EVERYTHING in business. If you don’t have a clue what anyone is doing…you’ll have people with potential fall through the cracks/quit…and you’ll spend endless amounts of time with those who are not really doing the business.
 Do be available…for everyone who does all the above. We had a saying (like the Marines) …”We leave no one behind” Meaning if you do your part…we never leave you. We work with you…until you get it! People ask me…”how did you set the expectations (with newbies) and really stick to these parameters? Once you signed up…and joined my team…I would say this to you on the first strategy/training call…before we started working your biz…together… “Name Here”….for every 10 people who join…there are 1 or 2 who are ready. I don’t know if that’s you…I hope it is…but that’s kind of up to you (This is said with a smile and in a supportive way…not condescending or like a drill sergeant) I’m going to give you some very simple assignments to do each day…and if you do them…I will work with you…I will help put people under you…and lock arms with you until you’re a Top Leader! If you don’t…no worries…it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person…you’re just not quite ready…we still love ya! You just kind of go off the radar…and I will be here…ready…when you’re ready…fair enough? They always said yes! This lets them know you’re pleasant…but it’s a business. If they start off badly…you’ll never get them back on track. Do this in the beginning…then they’ll respect you…and your time.
 One of the biggest mistakes is wanting the biz more for others…than they want it for themselves. You must learn to sift for those who’re ready. You can’t keep trying to get a small team to step up…for the rest of your career…you must learn a process to attract, sift and develop leaders and create a thriving recruiting environment. Remember this…“The lifeblood of your organization is the new blood” If you slow down…manage…or don’t teach skills to systematically duplicate…your group will stall out…and eventually die.




This article was published on 28.10.2019 by Ronald Pescatore
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